require 'fileutils' require 'readline' require 'rubygems' require 'yaml' require 'digest/sha1' require 'installer/rails-installer/web-servers' require 'installer/rails-installer/commands' class RailsInstaller include FileUtils attr_accessor :install_directory, :source_directory, :config attr_accessor :message_proc class InstallFailed < StandardError; end @@rails_version = nil def self.application_name(name) @@app_name = name end def self.support_location(location) @@support_location = location end def self.rails_version(svn_tag) @@rails_version = svn_tag end def app_name @@app_name end def initialize(install_directory) # use an absolute path, not a relative path. if install_directory @install_directory = File.expand_path(install_directory) end @config = read_yml(config_file) rescue nil @config ||= end # Display a status message def message(string) if message_proc else STDERR.puts string end end # Install Application def install(version=nil) @source_directory = find_source_directory(@@app_name,version) # Merge default configuration settings @config = read_yml(backup_config_file).merge(config) install_sequence message '' message "#{@@app_name.capitalize} is now running on http://#{`hostname`.chomp}:#{config['port-number']}" message "Use '#{@@app_name} start #{install_directory}' to restart after boot." message "Look in installer/*.conf.example to see how to integrate with your web server." end # The default install sequence. Override this if you need to add extra # steps to the installer. def install_sequence stop backup_database install_pre_hook pre_migrate_database copy_files freeze_rails create_default_config_files fix_permissions create_directories create_initial_database set_initial_port_number expand_template_files migrate install_post_hook save run_rails_tests start end def install_pre_hook end def install_post_hook end # Start application in the background def start(foreground = false) server_class = RailsInstaller::WebServer.servers[config['web-server']] if not server_class message "** warning: web-server #{config['web-server']} unknown. Use 'web-server=external' to disable." end server_class.start(self,foreground) end # Stop application def stop return unless server_class = RailsInstaller::WebServer.servers[config['web-server']] if not server_class message "** warning: web-server #{config['web-server']} unknown. Use 'web-server=external' to disable." end server_class.stop(self) end # private # The name of the sqlite database file def db_file File.join(install_directory,'db','database.sqlite') end # Backup the database def backup_database return unless File.exists? db_file return unless config['database'] == 'sqlite' new_db_file = db_file+"-#{'%Y%m%d-%H%M')}.sql" message "Backing up existing SQLite database into #{new_db_file}" system("sqlite3 #{db_file} .dump > #{new_db_file}") end # Copy files from the source directory to the target directory. def copy_files message "Checking for existing #{@@app_name.capitalize} install in #{install_directory}" files_yml = File.join(install_directory,'installer','files.yml') old_files = read_yml(files_yml) rescue message "Reading files from #{source_directory}" new_files = sha1_hash_directory_tree(source_directory) new_files.delete('/config/database.yml') # Never copy this. # Next, we compare the original install hash to the current hash. For each # entry: # # - in new_file but not in old_files: copy # - in old files but not in new_files: delete # - in both, but hash different: copy # - in both, hash same: don't copy # # We really should add a third hash (existing_files) and compare against that # so we don't overwrite changed files. added, changed, deleted, same = hash_diff(old_files, new_files) if added.size > 0 message "Copying #{added.size} new files into #{install_directory}" added.keys.sort.each do |file| message " copying #{file}" copy_one_file(file) end end if changed.size > 0 message "Updating #{changed.size} files in #{install_directory}" changed.keys.sort.each do |file| message " updating #{file}" copy_one_file(file) end end if deleted.size > 0 message "Deleting #{deleted.size} files from #{install_directory}" deleted.keys.sort.each do |file| message " deleting #{file}" rm(File.join(install_directory,file)) end end write_yml(files_yml,new_files) end # Copy one file from source_directory to install_directory, creating directories as needed. def copy_one_file(filename) source_name = File.join(source_directory,filename) install_name = File.join(install_directory,filename) dir_name = File.dirname(install_name) mkdir_p(dir_name) cp(source_name,install_name,:preserve => true) end # Compute the different between two hashes. Returns four hashes, # one contains the keys that are in 'b' but not in 'a' (added entries), # the next contains keys that are in 'a' and 'b', but have different values # (changed). The third contains keys that are in 'b' but not 'a' (added). # The final hash contains items that are the same in each. def hash_diff(a, b) added = {} changed = {} deleted = {} same = {} seen = {} a.each_key do |k| seen[k] = true if b.has_key? k if b[k] == a[k] same[k] = true else changed[k] = true end else deleted[k] = true end end b.each_key do |k| unless seen[k] added[k] = true end end [added, changed, deleted, same] end # Freeze to a specific version of Rails def freeze_rails return unless @@rails_version version_file = File.join(install_directory,'vendor','rails-version') vendor_rails = File.join(install_directory,'vendor','rails') old_version = rescue nil if @@rails_version == old_version return elsif old_version != nil rm_rf(vendor_rails) end mkdir_p(vendor_rails) package_map = { 'rails' => File.join(vendor_rails,'railties'), 'actionmailer' => File.join(vendor_rails,'actionmailer'), 'actionpack' => File.join(vendor_rails,'actionpack'), 'actionwebservice' => File.join(vendor_rails,'actionwebservice'), 'activerecord' => File.join(vendor_rails,'activerecord'), 'activesupport' => File.join(vendor_rails,'activesupport'), } specs = Gem.source_index.find_name('rails',["= #{@@rails_version}"]) unless specs.to_a.size > 0 raise InstallFailed, "Can't locate Rails #{@@rails_version}!" end copy_gem(specs.first, package_map[]) specs.first.dependencies.each do |dep| next unless package_map[] dep_spec = Gem.source_index.find_name(,[dep.version_requirements.to_s]) if dep_spec.size == 0 raise InstallFailed, "Can't locate dependency #{} #{dep.version_requirements.to_s}" end copy_gem(dep_spec.first, package_map[]) end,'w') do |f| f.puts @@rails_version end end def copy_gem(spec, destination) message("copying #{} #{spec.version} to #{destination}") cp_r("#{spec.full_gem_path}/.",destination) end # Create all default config files def create_default_config_files create_default_database_yml end # Create the default database.yml def create_default_database_yml database_yml = File.join(install_directory,'config','database.yml') if File.exist?(database_yml) message "Preserving database.yml" return end message "Creating default database configuration file" cp("#{database_yml}.#{config['database']}",database_yml) end def fix_permissions unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ message "Making scripts executable" chmod 0555, File.join(install_directory,'public','dispatch.fcgi') chmod 0555, File.join(install_directory,'public','dispatch.cgi') chmod 0555, Dir[File.join(install_directory,'script','*')] end end # Create required directories, like tmp def create_directories mkdir_p(File.join(install_directory,'tmp','cache')) chmod(755, File.join(install_directory,'tmp','cache')) mkdir_p(File.join(install_directory,'tmp','session')) mkdir_p(File.join(install_directory,'tmp','sockets')) mkdir_p(File.join(install_directory,'log')),'log','development.log'),'w'),'log','production.log'),'w'),'log','testing.log'),'w') end # Create the initial SQLite database def create_initial_database return if File.exists? db_file return unless config['database'] == 'sqlite' message "Creating initial #{@@app_name.capitalize} SQLite database" schema_file = File.join(install_directory,'db','schema.sqlite.sql') system("sqlite3 #{db_file} < #{schema_file}") end # Get the current schema version def get_schema_version,'db','schema_version')).to_i rescue 0 end # The path to the installed config file def config_file File.join(install_directory,'installer','rails_installer.yml') end # The path to the config file that comes with the GEM def backup_config_file File.join(source_directory,'installer','rails_installer_defaults.yml') end # Pick a default port number def set_initial_port_number config['port-number'] ||= (rand(1000)+4000) end def pre_migrate_database old_schema_version = get_schema_version new_schema_version =,'db','schema_version')).to_i return unless old_schema_version > 0 # Are we downgrading? if old_schema_version > new_schema_version message "Downgrading schema from #{old_schema_version} to #{new_schema_version}" in_directory install_directory do unless system("rake -s migrate VERSION=#{new_schema_version}") raise InstallFailed, "Downgrade migrating from #{old_schema_version} to #{new_schema_version} failed." end end end end # Migrate the database def migrate message "Migrating #{@@app_name.capitalize}'s database to newest release" in_directory install_directory do unless system("rake -s migrate") raise InstallFailed, "Migration failed" end end end # Sweep the cache def run_rails_tests message "Running tests. This may take a minute or two" in_directory install_directory do if system_silently("rake -s test") message "All tests pass. Congratulations." else message "***** Tests failed *****" message "** Please run 'rake test' by hand in your install directory." message "** Report problems to #{@@support_location}." message "***** Tests failed *****" end end end def sha1_hash_directory_tree(directory, prefix='', hash={}) Dir.entries(directory).each do |file| next if file =~ /^\./ pathname = File.join(directory,file) if sha1_hash_directory_tree(pathname, File.join(prefix,file), hash) else hash[File.join(prefix,file)] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( end end hash end def save write_yml(config_file,@config) end def read_yml(filename) YAML.load( end def write_yml(filename,object),'w') do |f| f.write(YAML.dump(object)) end end # Locate the source directory for a specific Version def find_source_directory(gem_name, version) if version == 'cwd' return Dir.pwd elsif version version_array = ["= #{version}"] else version_array = ["> 0.0.0"] end specs = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem_name,version_array) unless specs.to_a.size > 0 raise InstallFailed, "Can't locate version #{version}!" end specs.last.full_gem_path end def system_silently(command) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ null = 'NUL:' else null = '/dev/null' end system("#{command} > #{null} 2> #{null}") end def expand_template_files rails_host = config['bind-address'] || `hostname`.chomp rails_port = config['port-number'].to_s rails_url = "http://#{rails_host}:#{rails_port}" Dir[File.join(install_directory,'installer','*.template')].each do |template_file| output_file = template_file.gsub(/\.template/,'') next if File.exists?(output_file) # don't overwrite files message "expanding #{File.basename(output_file)} template" text =\$RAILS_URL/,rails_url).gsub(/\$RAILS_HOST/,rails_host).gsub(/\$RAILS_PORT/,rails_port),'w') do |f| f.write text end end end # Execute a command-line command def execute_command(*args) if args.size < 2 display_help exit(1) end command_class = Command.commands[args.first] if command_class command_class.command(self,*(args[2..-1])) else display_help exit(1) end end def display_help(error=nil) STDERR.puts error if error commands = Command.commands.keys.sort commands.each do |cmd| cmd_class = Command.commands[cmd] flag_help = cmd_class.flag_help_text.gsub(/APPNAME/,app_name) help = cmd_class.help_text.gsub(/APPNAME/,app_name) STDERR.puts " #{app_name} #{cmd} DIRECTORY #{flag_help}" STDERR.puts " #{help}" end end end # Run a block inside of a specific directory. Chdir into the directory # before executing the block, then chdir back to the original directory # when the block exits. def in_directory(directory) begin old_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(directory) value = yield ensure Dir.chdir(old_dir) end return value end