The STLport buildsystem ======================= This is a basic overview of the STLport build system. At the moment, I'm only familiar with the working of the nmake variant, i.e. for MSVC, eVC and ICC/win32, other variants may differ. Overview: ---------- There are three basic classes to consider while building: 1. The used make tool (currently that is Borland, gmake (GNU make) an nmake (Microsoft)). 2. The used compiler 3. The target type, either application or library Other than that, there are three different settings corresponding to the three different STLport modes, 'release', 'debug' and 'STLdebug' and each one has two modes for either static or dynamic linking. The whole buildsystem lies under the build/ dir of the sourcetree. There, it first branches to Makefiles/ (which contains the base of the buildsystem) and to lib/ (which contains files to build the STLport library) and test/ (which contains files to build tests) (TODO: what is the misc/ folder for?). Under Makefiles/, you see the initially mentioned branching according to the build tool. Here is also where the configure.bat file puts the generated config.mak file. (TODO: what are the other files in that folder?) nmake: ------- Under nmake/, you then find the common support files for the different compilers and files that define generic rules. Here, it then splits into app/ and lib/, which are structured similar to each other and to the common nmake/ dir. In each dir you have files for the different compilers that are used to make application specific or library specific settings. The branching in the three STLport modes and the static/dynamic linking is not visible in the file structure but only in the used nmake variables. In order to make clear which file includes which other file, here an example when compiling the STLport library for eVC4. The call issued is 'nmake /f evc4.mak' in the build/lib folder. From there, the following include tree is created: build/lib/evc.mak build/Makefiles/config.mak ; generated by configure.bat build/Makefiles/nmake/top.mak build/Makefiles/config.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/sysid.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/sys.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/evc4.mak ; evc4 from config build/Makefiles/nmake/evc-common.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/targetdirs.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/extern.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/targets.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/rules-o.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/clean.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/top.mak ; would be app/top.mak when building an application build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/macro.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/evc4.mak ; evc4 from config build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/evc-common.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/rules-so.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/rules-a.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/rules-install-so.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/rules-install-a.mak build/Makefiles/nmake/lib/clean.mak TODO: build/Makefiles/config.mak is included both by build/lib/evc.mak and by build/Makefiles/nmake/top.mak. Known issues: -------------- - nmake: MSC doesn't support generating dependency information for makefiles. So, unless you modify the direct sourcefile for an objectfile, no recompilation is triggered! You need to either delete all objectfiles that need to be recompiled or 'make clean' - There are targets to only install e.g. the shared STLdebug version but there is no such thing for making clean. This would be useful in the context of above issue for making a selective clean only.