require 'open3' require 'ostruct' require 'net/ssh' module Sunzi class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions desc 'create', 'Create sunzi project' def create(project = 'sunzi') do_create(project) end desc 'deploy [stage] [role] [--sudo]', 'Deploy sunzi project' method_options :sudo => false def deploy(first, *args) do_deploy(first, *args) end desc 'compile', 'Compile sunzi project' def compile(first, *args) do_compile(first, *args) end desc 'version', 'Show version' def version puts Gem.loaded_specs['sunzi'].version.to_s end no_tasks do include Sunzi::Utility def self.source_root File.expand_path('../../',__FILE__) end def do_create(project) copy_file 'templates/create/.gitignore', "#{project}/.gitignore" copy_file 'templates/create/sunzi.yml', "#{project}/sunzi.yml" copy_file 'templates/create/', "#{project}/" copy_file 'templates/create/recipes/', "#{project}/recipes/" copy_file 'templates/create/roles/', "#{project}/roles/" copy_file 'templates/create/roles/', "#{project}/roles/" copy_file 'templates/create/files/.gitkeep', "#{project}/files/.gitkeep" end def do_deploy(first, *args) # compile attributes and recipes do_compile(first, *args) # The host key might change when we instantiate a new VM, so # we remove (-R) the old host key from known_hosts. `ssh-keygen -R #{@host} 2> /dev/null` remote_commands = <<-EOS rm -rf ~/sunzi && mkdir ~/sunzi && cd ~/sunzi && tar xz && #{@sudo}bash EOS remote_commands.strip! << ' && rm -rf ~/sunzi' if @config['preferences'] and @config['preferences']['erase_remote_folder'] local_commands = <<-EOS cd compiled tar cz . | ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' #{@user}@#{@host} -p #{@port} '#{remote_commands}' EOS Open3.popen3(local_commands) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.close t = do while (line = stderr.gets) print line.color(:red) end end while (line = stdout.gets) print line.color(:green) end t.join end end def do_compile(first, *args) load_env(first, *args) compile_attributes copy_remote_recipes copy_local_files build_install end def load_env(first, *args) @stage = first @role = args[0] abort_with 'You must have a sunzi folder' unless File.exists?(based("sunzi.yml")) abort_with "#{@role} doesn't exist!" unless File.exists?(based("roles/#{@role}.sh")) cap = Capistrano.load_env(@stage) if options.sudo? @sudo = 'sudo ' @user = cap[:sys_admin] else @user = cap[:server][:user] end @host = cap[:server][:name] @port = cap[:port] @config = YAML.load("sunzi.yml"))) @attributes = Database.load_env(@stage) .merge(cap.slice(:ruby_version, :deployer_name)) .merge(Secrets.load_env(@stage).slice(:deployer_password, :deployer_public_key)) .merge(@config['attributes'] || {}) end def compile_attributes # Break down attributes into individual files @attributes.each {|key, value| create_file compiled("attributes/#{key}"), value } @attributes = end def copy_remote_recipes # Retrieve remote recipes via HTTP cache_remote_recipes = @config['preferences'] && @config['preferences']['cache_remote_recipes'] (@config['recipes'] || []).each do |key, value| next if cache_remote_recipes and File.exists?(compiled("recipes/#{key}.sh")) get value, "compiled/recipes/#{key}.sh" end end def copy_local_files files = Dir["{config/sunzi/recipes,config/sunzi/roles,config/sunzi/files}/**/*"].select { |file| File.file?(file) } files.each do |file| template based(file), compiled(file) end (@config['files'] || []).each do |file| template based(file), compiled("files/#{File.basename(file)}") end end def build_install _install_path = compiled("") template based(""), _install_path content = File.binread(_install_path) << "\n" << File.binread(compiled("roles/#{@role}.sh")) create_file compiled(""), content end def based(file) File.expand_path("config/sunzi/#{file.sub('config/sunzi/', '')}") end def compiled(file) File.expand_path("compiled/#{file.sub('config/sunzi/', '')}") end end end end