require 'spec_helper' describe Uia::Element do Given(:element) { wait_until { Uia.find_element(id: 'MainFormWindow') } } Given(:about_box) { wait_until { Uia.find_element(id: 'AboutBox') } } Given { = :normal } context '#drag' do Given(:text_field) do text_field = element.find(id: 'multiLineTextField') text_field.send_keys ['this', :enter, 'is', :enter, 'multiple', :enter, 'lines'] text_field end Given(:dimensions) do r = text_field.bounding_rectangle {width: r[2], height: r[3]} end When do text_field.drag start: [2, 2], end: [dimensions[:width], dimensions[:height]] text_field.send_keys :backspace end Then { expect( eq('') } end context 'properties' do let(:raw_element) { element.instance_variable_get(:@element) } Given(:about_button) { element.find name: 'About', control_type: :button } Then { element.handle != 0 } Then { == 'MainFormWindow' } Then { == 'MainFormWindow' } Then { about_button.help_text =~ /click about to find out/i } Then { element.class_name =~ /Forms.*app/i } Then { expect(element.find(id: 'textField')).to be_enabled } Then do expect(element.bounding_rectangle.count).to eq(4) expect(element.bounding_rectangle).to be_all { |e| e.instance_of? Fixnum } end context 'visibility' do When { = :minimized } Then { element.visible? == false } end context 'focus' do Given(:text_field) { element.find(id: 'textField').as :value } context 'initially' do Then { text_field.focused? == false } end context 'explicitly' do When { text_field.focus } Then { text_field.focused? == true } end end context '#control_type' do Then { element.control_type == :window } context 'unknown' do Given { raw_element.stub(:control_type_id).and_return(777) } Then { element.control_type == :unknown } end end context '#patterns' do Then { element.patterns.should =~ [:transform, :window] } context 'unknown' do Given { raw_element.stub(:pattern_ids).and_return([7777]) } Then { element.patterns.should == [:unknown] } end context '#as' do When(:cast) { :toggle } Then { cast.should have_failed UnsupportedPattern, "Pattern toggle not found in [:window, :transform]" } end end context '#refresh' do Given!(:check_box) do check_box = element.find(id: 'checkBox').as :toggle check_box.toggle_state = :off check_box end Given!(:label) { element.find(id: 'checkBoxLabel') } When { check_box.toggle_state = :on; label.refresh } Then { == 'checkBox is on' } end end context '#send_keys' do Given(:text_field) { element.find(id: 'textField').as :value } When { text_field.send_keys 'abcde', [:left] * 3, ' fgh ' } Then { text_field.value == 'ab fgh cde' } end context '#find' do context 'id' do Then { element.find(id: 'textField') != nil } Then { element.find(id: 'does not exist') == nil } end context 'name, value' do Then { element.find(name: 'No option selected') != nil } Then { element.find(name: 'does not exist') == nil } Then { element.find(value: 'No option selected') != nil } end context 'title' do Then { element.find(title: /Group.*of radio/i) != nil } end context 'handle' do Given(:child_handle) { element.find(id: 'textField').handle } Then { element.find(handle: child_handle).id == 'textField' } end context 'control_type' do Then { element.find(control_type: :custom).id == 'automatableMonthCalendar1' } Then { element.find(control_type: [:semantic_zoom, :custom]).id == 'automatableMonthCalendar1' } end context 'pattern' do Then { element.find(pattern: :range_value).id == 'numericUpDown1' } Then { element.find(pattern: [:selection_item, :range_value]).id == 'numericUpDown1' } Then { expect { element.find(pattern: [:not_valid, :range_value]) }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /IsNotValidPatternAvailableProperty is not a valid AutomationProperty/ } end context 'combinations' do Then { element.find(control_type: :list, name: 'linkLabel1').id == 'FruitListBox' } Then { element.find(control_type: :button, name: 'Forward', scope: :children) == nil } Then { element.find(pattern: :invoke, name: 'About').id == 'aboutButton' } Then { element.find(control_type: :custom, id: 'automatableMonthCalendar1').name == 'linkLabel1' } Then { element.find(value: 'linkLabel1', id: 'automatableMonthCalendar1').control_type == :custom } end context 'invalid' do When(:bad_locator) { element.find(bad_locator: 123) } Then { bad_locator.should have_failed BadLocator, "{:bad_locator=>123} is not a valid locator" } end context 'limiting scope' do Then { element.find(name: 'label2', scope: :children) == nil } end end context '#find_all' do Given(:list_box) { element.find(id: 'FruitListBox') } Then { list_box.find_all(control_type: :list_item).map(&:name) == ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango'] } Then { element.find_all(control_type: :tree_item, name: 'Parent Two').count == 1 } Then { expect { element.find_all(handle: 123) }.to raise_error BadLocator } end context '#filter' do context 'control_type' do When(:buttons) { element.filter(control_type: :radio_button) } Then { == [:radio_button] * 3 } end context 'pattern' do Then { element.filter(pattern: :value).count == 4 } end context 'combinations' do Then { element.filter(control_type: :button, name: 'About')[0].id == 'aboutButton' } end context 'multiple' do When(:radio_or_value) { element.filter(control_type: [:radio_button, :text]) } Then { expect(radio_or_value.count).to eq(8) } When(:value_or_invoke) { element.filter(pattern: [:value, :text]) } Then { expect(value_or_invoke.count).to eq(5) } end end context '#click' do Given(:about) { element.children.find { |c| == 'About' } } Given(:disabled_checkbox) { element.children.find { |c| == 'checkBoxDisabled' } } context 'enabled elements' do When { } Then { about_box != nil } And { about_box.children.find { |c| == 'OK' }.click } end end context '#children' do Then { element.children.count == 27 } Then { element.children.all? { |c| c.instance_of? Uia::Element } } end context '#descendants' do Then { element.descendants.count > element.children.count } Then { element.descendants.all? { |c| c.instance_of? Uia::Element } } end end