require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'ruby-fs-stack/fs_communicator' require 'fakeweb' require 'logger' describe FsCommunicator do include HttpCommunicatorHelper def fake_web(path,status,message,body = '') FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{path}?sessionId=SESSID&dataFormat=application/json", :body => body, :status => [status, message]) FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "{path}?sessionId=SESSID&dataFormat=application/json", :body => body, :status => [status, message]) end describe "initializing" do it "should accept a hash of options" do lambda { com = :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1" }.should_not raise_error end it "should set defaults to the Reference System" do com = com.domain.should == '' com.key.should == '' com.user_agent.should == 'FsCommunicator/0.1 (Ruby)' com.handle_throttling.should == false end it "should set the domain, key, and user_agent to options hash" do options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "RSpecTest/0.1", :session => 'SESSID', :handle_throttling => true } com = options com.domain.should == options[:domain] com.key.should == options[:key] com.user_agent.should == options[:user_agent] com.session.should == options[:session] com.handle_throttling.should == true end end describe "GET on a URL" do before(:each) do options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1", :session => 'SESSID' } @com = options stub_net_objects #found in the spec helper @url = '/familytree/v1/person/KWQS-BBQ' @session_url = @url + "?sessionId=#{@com.session}&dataFormat=application/json" @res = mock('HTTP::Response') @res.stub!(:code).and_return('200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) end def do_get(url, credentials = {}) @com.get(url, credentials) end it "should initialize a Net::HTTP object to make the request" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('',443).and_return(@http) do_get(@url) end it "should create a GET request with url containing a session" do Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(@session_url).and_return(@request) do_get(@url) end it "should tack a sessionId as an additional parameter if params already set" do url = "/familytree/v1/person/KWQS-BBQ?view=summary" Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(url+"&sessionId=#{@com.session}&dataFormat=application/json").and_return(@request) do_get(url) end it "should set the http object to use ssl if https" do @http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) do_get(@url) end it "should not set the http object to use ssl if no http" do @com.domain = '' @http.should_not_receive(:use_ssl=) do_get(@url) end it "should set the ca file to the entrust certificate (for FamilySearch systems)" do @http.should_receive(:ca_file=).with(/entrust-ca\.crt/) do_get(@url) end it "should set the basic_authentication if the credentials passed as parameters" do @request.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('user','pass') @request.should_receive(:[]=).with('User-Agent',@com.user_agent) Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(@url+"?key=#{@com.key}&dataFormat=application/json").and_return(@request) do_get(@url,:username => 'user',:password => 'pass') end it "should make the request" do block = lambda{ |ht| ht.request('something') } @http.should_receive(:start) do_get(@url) end it "should sleep and call again if handle_throttling is set to true and the response code is 503" do @com.handle_throttling = true @res.stub!(:code).and_return('503','200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) @com.should_receive(:sleep).once do_get(@url) end it "should not call sleep if handle_throttling is set to false" do @com.handle_throttling = false @res.stub!(:code).and_return('503','200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) @com.should_not_receive(:sleep) do_get(@url) end end describe "POST on a URL" do before(:each) do options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1", :session => 'SESSID' } @com = options stub_net_objects @url = '/familytree/v1/person/KWQS-BBQ' @session_url = @url + "?sessionId=#{@com.session}&dataFormat=application/json" @payload = "" @res = mock('HTTP::Response') @res.stub!(:code).and_return('200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) end def do_post(url, payload = ''), payload) end it "should initialize a Net::HTTP object to make the request" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('',443).and_return(@http) do_post(@url) end it "should create a POST request with url containing a session" do Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with(@session_url).and_return(@request) do_post(@url) end it "should tack a sessionId as an additional parameter if params already set" do url = "/familytree/v1/person/KWQS-BBQ?view=summary" Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with(url+"&sessionId=#{@com.session}&dataFormat=application/json").and_return(@request) do_post(url) end it "should set the request's body to the payload attached" do @request.should_receive(:body=).with(@payload) do_post(@url,@payload) end it "should set the request's Content-Type to application/json" do @request.should_receive(:[]=).with('Content-Type','application/json') do_post(@url,@payload) end it "should set the http object to use ssl if https" do @http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) do_post(@url) end it "should not set the http object to use ssl if no http" do @com.domain = '' @http.should_not_receive(:use_ssl=) do_post(@url) end it "should set the ca file to the entrust certificate (for FamilySearch systems)" do @http.should_receive(:ca_file=).with(/entrust-ca\.crt/) do_post(@url) end it "should make the request" do block = lambda{ |ht| ht.request('something') } @http.should_receive(:start) do_post(@url) end it "should sleep and call again if handle_throttling is set to true and the response code is 503" do @com.handle_throttling = true @res.stub!(:code).and_return('503','200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) @com.should_receive(:sleep).once do_post(@url) end it "should not call sleep if handle_throttling is set to false" do @com.handle_throttling = false @res.stub!(:code).and_return('503','200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) @com.should_not_receive(:sleep) do_post(@url) end end # 310 UserActionRequired # 400 BadRequest # 401 Unauthorized # 403 Forbidden # 404 NotFound # 409 Conflict # 410 Gone # 415 InvalidContentType # 430 BadVersion # 431 InvalidDeveloperKey # 500 ServerError # 501 NotImplemented # 503 ServiceUnavailable describe "raising exceptions" do before(:each) do options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1", :session => 'SESSID' } @com = options @path = '/familytree/v2/person' FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false end it "should raise a UserActionRequired on a 310" do fake_web(@path,'310',"User Action Required") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::UserActionRequired) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::UserActionRequired) end it "should raise a BadRequest on a 400" do fake_web(@path,'400',"Bad Request") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::BadRequest) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::BadRequest) end it "should raise a BadRequest on a 401" do fake_web(@path,'401',"Unauthorized") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Unauthorized) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Unauthorized) end it "should raise a Forbidden on 403" do fake_web(@path,'403',"Forbidden") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Forbidden) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Forbidden) end it "should raise a 404 NotFound" do fake_web(@path,'404',"NotFound") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::NotFound) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::NotFound) end it "should raise a 409 Conflict" do fake_web(@path,'409',"Conflict") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Conflict) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Conflict) end it "should raise a 410 Gone" do fake_web(@path,'410',"Gone") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Gone) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::Gone) end it "should raise a 415 InvalidContentType" do fake_web(@path,'415',"Invalid Content Type") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::InvalidContentType) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::InvalidContentType) end it "should raise a 430 BadVersion" do fake_web(@path,'430',"Bad Version") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::BadVersion) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::BadVersion) end it "should raise a 431 InvalidDeveloperKey" do fake_web(@path,'431',"Invalid Developer Key") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::InvalidDeveloperKey) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::InvalidDeveloperKey) end it "should raise a 500 ServerError" do fake_web(@path,'500',"Server Error") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::ServerError) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::ServerError) end it "should raise a 501 NotImplemented" do fake_web(@path,'501',"Not Implemented") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::NotImplemented) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::NotImplemented) end it "should raise a 503 ServiceUnavailable" do fake_web(@path,'503',"Service Unavailable") lambda{ @com.get(@path) }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::ServiceUnavailable) lambda{,"") }.should raise_error(RubyFsStack::ServiceUnavailable) end end describe "logging" do before(:each) do @logger = options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1", :session => 'SESSID', :logger => @logger } @com = options end it "should accept an optional logger object when initializing" do @com.logger.should == @logger end it "should be able to assign a logger after initialization" do @com.logger = @logger @com.logger.should == @logger end it "should log each GET request URL and headers" do response = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','fixtures','fakeweb_response.txt') FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "", :response => response) @com.logger.should_receive(:info).with(/GET \/familytree\/v2\/person/) @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("accept: */*") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("user-agent: FsCommunicator/0.1") @com.logger.should_receive(:info).with("200 OK") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("app_svr_id: 9.32") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-language: en-US") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 23:58:48 GMT") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-length: 779") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("x-processing-time: 152") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("cache-control: no-store, no-cache") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with(/\{"persons":/) @com.get('/familytree/v2/person/KWQS-BBQ') end it "should log each POST request URL and headers" do response = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','fixtures','fakeweb_response.txt') FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", :response => response) @com.logger.should_receive(:info).with(/POST \/familytree\/v2\/person/) @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("accept: */*") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("user-agent: FsCommunicator/0.1") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-type: application/json") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("CONTENT") @com.logger.should_receive(:info).with("200 OK") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("app_svr_id: 9.32") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-language: en-US") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 23:58:48 GMT") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-length: 779") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("x-processing-time: 152") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("cache-control: no-store, no-cache") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with("content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8") @com.logger.should_receive(:debug).with(/\{"persons":/)'/familytree/v2/person/KWQS-BBQ','CONTENT') end end describe "timeout" do before(:each) do options = { :domain => '', :key => '1111-1111', :user_agent => "FsCommunicator/0.1", :session => 'SESSID', :timeout => 300 } @com = options stub_net_objects #found in the spec helper @url = '/familytree/v1/person/KWQS-BBQ' @session_url = @url + "?sessionId=#{@com.session}&dataFormat=application/json" @res = mock('HTTP::Response') @res.stub!(:code).and_return('200') @http.stub!(:start).and_return(@res) end it "should set timeout attr" do @com.domain.should == '' @com.timeout.should == 300 end it "should set the http's read_timeout inside of the get method" do @http.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(300) @com.get(@url) end it "should set the http's read_timeout inside of the post method" do @http.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(300),'payload') end end end