# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "amqp/extensions/rabbitmq" describe "confirm.select" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec include EventedSpec::SpecHelper default_options AMQP_OPTS default_timeout 3 amqp_before do @channel = AMQP::Channel.new end context "with :nowait attribute off" do it "results in a confirm.select-ok response" do @channel.confirm_select do |select_ok| done end end end context "with :nowait attribute set" do it "results in NOT confirm.select-ok response" do lambda do @channel.confirm_select(:nowait => true) do fail "Should never be called" end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /makes no sense/) @channel.confirm_select(:nowait => true) done(0.5) end end end describe "Publisher confirmation(s)" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec include EventedSpec::SpecHelper default_options AMQP_OPTS default_timeout 3 amqp_before do @channel1 = AMQP::Channel.new @channel2 = AMQP::Channel.new end it 'should increment publisher_index confirming channel' do channel3 = AMQP::Channel.new exchange = channel3.fanout("amqpgem.tests.fanout0", :auto_delete => true) channel3.confirm_select channel3.publisher_index.should == 0 EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do exchange.publish("Hi") end done(2.0) do channel3.publisher_index.should == 1 end end context "when messages are transient" do context "and routable" do it "are confirmed as soon as they arrive on all the queues they were routed to" do events = Array.new exchange = @channel2.fanout("amqpgem.tests.fanout1", :auto_delete => true) queue = @channel1.queue("", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| events << :basic_delivery end @channel2.confirm_select @channel2.on_ack do |basic_ack| events << :basic_ack end exchange.on_return do |basic_return, metadata, payload| fail "Should never happen" end EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do exchange.publish("Hi", :persistent => false, :mandatory => true) end done(2.0) do events.should include(:basic_ack) events.should include(:basic_delivery) end end end context "and can be delivered immediately" do it "are confirmed as soon as they arrive on all the queues they were routed to" do events = Array.new exchange = @channel2.fanout("amqpgem.tests.fanout2", :auto_delete => true) queue = @channel1.queue("", :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange).subscribe do |metadata, payload| events << :basic_delivery end @channel2.confirm_select @channel2.on_ack do |basic_ack| events << :basic_ack end exchange.on_return do |basic_return, metadata, payload| fail "Should never happen" end EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do exchange.publish("Hi", :persistent => false, :immediately => true) end done(2.0) do events.should include(:basic_ack) events.should include(:basic_delivery) end end end context "and NOT routable" do it "are delivered immediately after basic.return" do events = Array.new queue = @channel1.queue("", :auto_delete => true) exchange = @channel2.fanout("amqpgem.tests.fanout3", :auto_delete => true) @channel2.confirm_select @channel2.on_ack do |basic_ack| events << :basic_ack end exchange.on_return do |basic_return, metadata, payload| events << :basic_return end EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do exchange.publish("Hi", :persistent => false, :mandatory => true) end done(2.0) { events.should == [:basic_return, :basic_ack] } end end context "and CAN NOT be delivered immediately" do it "are delivered immediately after basic.return" do events = Array.new queue = @channel1.queue("", :auto_delete => true) exchange = @channel2.fanout("amqpgem.tests.fanout4", :auto_delete => true) @channel2.confirm_select @channel2.on_ack do |basic_ack| events << :basic_ack end exchange.on_return do |basic_return, metadata, payload| events << :basic_return end EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do exchange.publish("Hi", :persistent => false, :mandatory => true) end done(2.0) { events.should == [:basic_return, :basic_ack] } end end end end