require 'net/ssh' require 'net/scp' # # Execute commands in remote servers (SSH) # # require 'shexy' # # Shexy.user = 'test' # Shexy.password = 'test' # = 'test-host' # out, err = Shexy.exe 'ls -la' # out.empty? # no output # err.empty? # no error output # # Shexy.exe 'la -la' do |out,err| # puts out # puts err # end # # Another way, assuming you are using SSH keys # and added them to the SSH agent (ssh-add ~/.ssh/my-priv-key): # # Shexy.exe 'test@test-host', 'ls -la' do |out, err| # puts out # end # Shexy.exe 'echo hello' # no need to add host/user again # # Copying files (local -> remote): # # Shexy.copy_to 'test@test-host', '/home/rubiojr/my-uber-file', '/tmp/' # module Shexy VERSION = '0.1' @flags = {} def self.password=(password); flags[:password] = password; end def self.password; flags[:password]; end def self.key=(key); flags[:keys] = [File.expand_path(key)]; end def self.key; flags[:keys]; end def self.use_sudo; @sudo = true; end def self.sudo?; @sudo ||= false; end class << self attr_accessor :host, :user, :flags attr_reader :cmd end def self.exe(*args) args.flatten! if args.size > 1 @host = args[0] if @host =~ /@/ @user, @host = @host.split '@' end @cmd = args[1] else @cmd = args[0] end Net::SSH.start(host, user, flags) do |sh| sh.open_channel do |ch| if sudo? ch.request_pty @cmd = "sudo #{@cmd}" end ch.exec cmd do # FIXME: I don't think it's a good idea # to implement access to stdout,stderr this way stdout = "" stderr = "" ch.on_extended_data do |c2, type, data| # ERROR output here stderr << data yield stdout, stderr if block_given? end ch.on_data do |c2, data| stdout << data yield stdout, stderr if block_given? end ch.on_close do |c2| return stdout, stderr end end end end end # # Shexy.copy_to '', 'source_file', 'dest_file' # # or # # = '' # Shexy.user = 'root' # Shexy.copy_to 'source_file', 'dest_file' # def self.copy_to(*args) if args.size > 2 # First arg assumed to be @host = args[0] if @host =~ /@/ @user, @host = @host.split '@' end from = args[1] to = args[2] else # user, host already set via and # Shexy.user from = args[0] to = args[1] end from = File.expand_path from Net::SCP.start(host, user, flags) do |scp| scp.upload! from, to end end # # Detect distro version # def self.distro issue.match(/fedora|centos|frameos|debian|ubuntu|scientific linux/i)[0].gsub(" ", "_").downcase.to_sym end # # Detect distro release # def self.distro_release case distro when :redhat,:centos,:frameos issue.split[2] when :fedora issue.split[2] when :ubuntu issue.split[1] when :debian issue.split[2] else '0' end end # # Lame but short, and it works (most of the times) # def self.issue issue, err = ((exe 'cat /etc/issue')[0].strip.chomp || Shexy.exe('lsb_release -i')[0].strip.chomp).lines.first raise "Error reading release info." unless (err.nil? or err.empty?) issue end end