require 'spec_helper' describe Mongoid::Ids::Collisions do let(:document) { } describe "#resolve_token_collisions" do context "when there is a duplicate token" do let(:resolver) { double("Mongoid::Ids::CollisionResolver") } before(:each) do allow(resolver).to receive(:field_name).and_return(:token) allow(resolver).to receive(:create_new_token_for){|doc|} document.class.send(:include, Mongoid::Ids::Collisions) allow(document).to receive(:is_duplicate_token_error?).and_return(true) end context "and there are zero retries" do it "should raise an error after the first try" do allow(resolver).to receive(:retry_count).and_return(0) attempts = 0 expect{document.resolve_token_collisions(resolver) { attempts += 1; raise"","") }}.to raise_error Mongoid::Ids::CollisionRetriesExceeded expect(attempts).to eq 1 end end context "and retries is set to 1" do it "should raise an error after retrying once" do allow(resolver).to receive(:retry_count).and_return(1) attempts = 0 expect{document.resolve_token_collisions(resolver) { attempts += 1; raise"","") }}.to raise_error Mongoid::Ids::CollisionRetriesExceeded expect(attempts).to eq 2 end end context "and retries is greater than 1" do it "should raise an error after retrying" do allow(resolver).to receive(:retry_count).and_return(3) attempts = 0 expect{document.resolve_token_collisions(resolver) { attempts += 1; raise"","") }}.to raise_error Mongoid::Ids::CollisionRetriesExceeded expect(attempts).to eq 4 end end context "and a different index is violated" do it "should bubble the operation failure" do allow(document).to receive(:is_duplicate_token_error?).and_return(false) allow(resolver).to receive(:retry_count).and_return(3) e ="command", {:details => "nope"}) expect{document.resolve_token_collisions(resolver) { raise e }}.to raise_error(e) end end end end describe "#raise_collision_retries_exceeded_error" do before(:each) do document.class.send(:include, Mongoid::Ids::Collisions) end it "should warn the rails logger" do message = nil stub_const("Rails", logger = double("logger") allow(logger).to receive("warn"){ |msg| message = msg } allow(Rails).to receive("logger").and_return(logger) begin document.raise_collision_retries_exceeded_error(:token, 3) rescue end expect(message).to_not be_nil end it "should raise an error" do expect{ document.raise_collision_retries_exceeded_error(:token, 3) } .to raise_error(Mongoid::Ids::CollisionRetriesExceeded) end end describe "#is_duplicate_token_error?" do before(:each) do document.class.send(:include, Mongoid::Ids::Collisions) end context "when there is a duplicate key error" do it "should return true" do allow(document).to receive("token").and_return("tokenvalue123") err = double("Moped::Errors::OperationFailure") allow(err).to receive("details") do { "err" => "E11000 duplicate key error index: mongoid_ids_test.links.$token_1 dup key: { : \"tokenvalue123\" }", "code" => 11000, "n" => 0, "connectionId" => 130, "ok" => 1.0 } document.is_duplicate_token_error?(err, document, :token) end end end end end