module Sprinkle module Verifiers # = Ruby Verifiers # # The verifiers in this module are ruby specific. module Ruby Sprinkle::Verify.register(Sprinkle::Verifiers::Ruby) # Checks if ruby can require the files given. rubygems # is always included first. def ruby_can_load(*files) # Always include rubygems first files = files.unshift('rubygems').collect { |x| "require '#{x}'" } @commands << "ruby -e \"#{files.join(';')}\"" end # Checks if a gem exists by calling "sudo gem list" and grepping against it. def has_gem(name, version=nil) version = version.nil? ? '' : "--version '#{version}'" @commands << "sudo gem list '#{name}' --installed #{version} > /dev/null" end end end end