# PRODUCTS # Products represent an entity for sale in a store. # Products can have variations, called variants # Products properties include description, permalink, availability, # shipping category, etc. that do not change by variant. # # MASTER VARIANT # Every product has one master variant, which stores master price and sku, size and weight, etc. # The master variant does not have option values associated with it. # Price, SKU, size, weight, etc. are all delegated to the master variant. # Contains on_hand inventory levels only when there are no variants for the product. # # VARIANTS # All variants can access the product properties directly (via reverse delegation). # Inventory units are tied to Variant. # The master variant can have inventory units, but not option values. # All other variants have option values and may have inventory units. # Sum of on_hand each variant's inventory level determine "on_hand" level for the product. # module Spree class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :product_option_types, :dependent => :destroy has_many :option_types, :through => :product_option_types has_many :product_properties, :dependent => :destroy has_many :properties, :through => :product_properties has_many :classifications, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :taxons, :through => :classifications belongs_to :tax_category belongs_to :shipping_category has_one :master, :class_name => 'Spree::Variant', :conditions => { :is_master => true }, :dependent => :destroy has_many :variants, :class_name => 'Spree::Variant', :conditions => { :is_master => false, :deleted_at => nil }, :order => "#{::Spree::Variant.quoted_table_name}.position ASC" has_many :variants_including_master, :class_name => 'Spree::Variant', :conditions => { :deleted_at => nil }, :dependent => :destroy has_many :variants_including_master_and_deleted, :class_name => 'Spree::Variant' has_many :prices, :through => :variants, :order => 'spree_variants.position, spree_variants.id, currency' delegate_belongs_to :master, :sku, :price, :currency, :display_amount, :display_price, :weight, :height, :width, :depth, :is_master, :has_default_price?, :cost_currency, :price_in, :amount_in delegate_belongs_to :master, :cost_price if Variant.table_exists? && Variant.column_names.include?('cost_price') after_create :set_master_variant_defaults after_create :add_properties_and_option_types_from_prototype after_create :build_variants_from_option_values_hash, :if => :option_values_hash before_save :recalculate_count_on_hand after_save :save_master after_save :set_master_on_hand_to_zero_when_product_has_variants delegate :images, :to => :master, :prefix => true alias_method :images, :master_images has_many :variant_images, :source => :images, :through => :variants_including_master, :order => :position accepts_nested_attributes_for :variants, :allow_destroy => true validates :name, :permalink, :presence => true validates :price, :presence => true, :if => proc { Spree::Config[:require_master_price] } attr_accessor :option_values_hash attr_accessible :name, :description, :available_on, :permalink, :meta_description, :meta_keywords, :price, :sku, :deleted_at, :prototype_id, :option_values_hash, :on_demand, :on_hand, :weight, :height, :width, :depth, :shipping_category_id, :tax_category_id, :product_properties_attributes, :variants_attributes, :taxon_ids, :option_type_ids, :cost_currency attr_accessible :cost_price if Variant.table_exists? && Variant.column_names.include?('cost_price') accepts_nested_attributes_for :product_properties, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => lambda { |pp| pp[:property_name].blank? } make_permalink :order => :name alias :options :product_option_types after_initialize :ensure_master def variants_with_only_master ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("[SPREE] Spree::Product#variants_with_only_master will be deprecated in Spree 1.3. Please use Spree::Product#master instead.") master end def to_param permalink.present? ? permalink : (permalink_was || name.to_s.to_url) end # returns true if the product has any variants (the master variant is not a member of the variants array) def has_variants? variants.any? end # should product be displayed on products pages and search def on_display? has_stock? || Spree::Config[:show_zero_stock_products] end # is this product actually available for purchase def on_sale? has_stock? || Spree::Config[:allow_backorders] end # returns the number of inventory units "on_hand" for this product def on_hand has_variants? ? variants.sum(&:on_hand) : master.on_hand end # adjusts the "on_hand" inventory level for the product up or down to match the given new_level def on_hand=(new_level) unless self.on_demand raise 'cannot set on_hand of product with variants' if has_variants? && Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] master.on_hand = new_level end end def on_demand=(new_on_demand) raise 'cannot set on_demand of product with variants' if has_variants? && Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] master.on_demand = on_demand self[:on_demand] = new_on_demand end def count_on_hand=(value) raise I18n.t('exceptions.count_on_hand_setter') end # Returns true if there are inventory units (any variant) with "on_hand" state for this product # Variants take precedence over master def has_stock? has_variants? ? variants.any?(&:in_stock?) : master.in_stock? end def tax_category if self[:tax_category_id].nil? TaxCategory.where(:is_default => true).first else TaxCategory.find(self[:tax_category_id]) end end # override the delete method to set deleted_at value # instead of actually deleting the product. def delete self.update_column(:deleted_at, Time.now) variants_including_master.update_all(:deleted_at => Time.now) end # Adding properties and option types on creation based on a chosen prototype attr_reader :prototype_id def prototype_id=(value) @prototype_id = value.to_i end # Ensures option_types and product_option_types exist for keys in option_values_hash def ensure_option_types_exist_for_values_hash return if option_values_hash.nil? option_values_hash.keys.map(&:to_i).each do |id| self.option_type_ids << id unless option_type_ids.include?(id) product_option_types.create({:option_type_id => id}, :without_protection => true) unless product_option_types.pluck(:option_type_id).include?(id) end end # for adding products which are closely related to existing ones # define "duplicate_extra" for site-specific actions, eg for additional fields def duplicate p = self.dup p.name = 'COPY OF ' + name p.deleted_at = nil p.created_at = p.updated_at = nil p.taxons = taxons p.product_properties = product_properties.map { |q| r = q.dup; r.created_at = r.updated_at = nil; r } image_dup = lambda { |i| j = i.dup; j.attachment = i.attachment.clone; j } variant = master.dup variant.sku = 'COPY OF ' + master.sku variant.deleted_at = nil variant.images = master.images.map { |i| image_dup.call i } variant.price = master.price variant.currency = master.currency p.master = variant # don't dup the actual variants, just the characterising types p.option_types = option_types if has_variants? # allow site to do some customization p.send(:duplicate_extra, self) if p.respond_to?(:duplicate_extra) p.save! p end # use deleted? rather than checking the attribute directly. this # allows extensions to override deleted? if they want to provide # their own definition. def deleted? !!deleted_at end def available? !(available_on.nil? || available_on.future?) end # split variants list into hash which shows mapping of opt value onto matching variants # eg categorise_variants_from_option(color) => {"red" -> [...], "blue" -> [...]} def categorise_variants_from_option(opt_type) return {} unless option_types.include?(opt_type) variants.active.group_by { |v| v.option_values.detect { |o| o.option_type == opt_type} } end def self.like_any(fields, values) where_str = fields.map { |field| Array.new(values.size, "#{self.quoted_table_name}.#{field} #{LIKE} ?").join(' OR ') }.join(' OR ') self.where([where_str, values.map { |value| "%#{value}%" } * fields.size].flatten) end def empty_option_values? options.empty? || options.any? do |opt| opt.option_type.option_values.empty? end end def property(property_name) return nil unless prop = properties.find_by_name(property_name) product_properties.find_by_property_id(prop.id).try(:value) end def set_property(property_name, property_value) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do property = Property.where(:name => property_name).first_or_create!(:presentation => property_name) product_property = ProductProperty.where(:product_id => id, :property_id => property.id).first_or_initialize product_property.value = property_value product_property.save! end end private # Builds variants from a hash of option types & values def build_variants_from_option_values_hash ensure_option_types_exist_for_values_hash values = option_values_hash.values values = values.inject(values.shift) { |memo, value| memo.product(value).map(&:flatten) } values.each do |ids| variant = variants.create({ :option_value_ids => ids, :price => master.price }, :without_protection => true) end save end def add_properties_and_option_types_from_prototype if prototype_id && prototype = Spree::Prototype.find_by_id(prototype_id) prototype.properties.each do |property| product_properties.create({:property => property}, :without_protection => true) end self.option_types = prototype.option_types end end def recalculate_count_on_hand value = if has_variants? variants.sum(:count_on_hand) else (master ? master.count_on_hand : 0) end self[:count_on_hand] = value end # the master on_hand is meaningless once a product has variants as the inventory # units are now "contained" within the product variants def set_master_on_hand_to_zero_when_product_has_variants master.on_hand = 0 if has_variants? && Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] && !self.on_demand end # ensures the master variant is flagged as such def set_master_variant_defaults master.is_master = true end # there's a weird quirk with the delegate stuff that does not automatically save the delegate object # when saving so we force a save using a hook. def save_master master.save if master && (master.changed? || master.new_record? || (master.default_price && (master.default_price.changed || master.default_price.new_record))) end def ensure_master return unless new_record? self.master ||= Variant.new end end end require_dependency 'spree/product/scopes'