module Vega class Spec def initialize(spec) spec = spec.spec if spec.respond_to?(:spec) raise ArgumentError, "Expected Hash, not #{}" unless spec.is_a?(Hash) @spec = spec.transform_keys!(&:to_s) end def to_s html, js = generate_output output = <<~EOS #{html} EOS output.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? output.html_safe : output end # TODO only load vega-lite if $schema requires it def to_iruby html, js = generate_output output = <<~EOS #{html} EOS ["text/html", output] end private def generate_output id = "chart-#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}" # 2**128 values width = @spec["width"].is_a?(Integer) ? "#{@spec["width"]}px" : "100%" height = @spec["height"].is_a?(Integer) ? "#{@spec["height"]}px" : "300px" height = "auto" if @spec["height"].nil? # user can override with usermeta: {embedOptions: ...} embed_options = {actions: false} # html vars html_vars = { id: id } html_vars.each_key do |k| html_vars[k] = ERB::Util.html_escape(html_vars[k]) end # css vars css_vars = { height: height, width: width } css_vars.each_key do |k| # limit to alphanumeric and % for simplicity # this prevents things like calc() but safety is the priority raise ArgumentError, "Invalid #{k}" unless css_vars[k] =~ /\A[a-zA-Z0-9%]*\z/ # we limit above, but escape for safety as fail-safe # to prevent XSS injection in worse-case scenario css_vars[k] = ERB::Util.html_escape(css_vars[k]) end # js vars js_vars = { el: "##{id}", spec: @spec, opt: embed_options } js_vars.each_key do |k| js_vars[k] = json_escape(js_vars[k].to_json) end # needs width to be set for vegaEmbed to work html = %(
) % html_vars.merge(css_vars) js = "vegaEmbed(%{el}, %{spec}, %{opt});" % js_vars [html, js] end # from JSON_ESCAPE = { "&" => '\u0026', ">" => '\u003e', "<" => '\u003c', "\u2028" => '\u2028', "\u2029" => '\u2029' } JSON_ESCAPE_REGEXP = /[\u2028\u2029&><]/u def json_escape(s) if ERB::Util.respond_to?(:json_escape) ERB::Util.json_escape(s) else s.to_s.gsub(JSON_ESCAPE_REGEXP, JSON_ESCAPE) end end end end