require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit' require 'context' # with github: gem install jeremymcanally-context require 'matchy' # best bet for now: clone from github and build yourself; when jeremy fixes matchy, jeremymcanally-matchy require 'zebra' # until jeremy updates matchy, download and build yourself, after that, with github: gem install giraffesoft-zebra begin require 'ruby-debug' Debugger.start rescue puts "no ruby-debug installed? REAlLY? ok, if that's how you roll..." end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'lib/exegesis' class Test::Unit::TestCase def fixtures_path fixtures File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', fixtures) end # todo: extract to some helper methods to include ala RR, etc def reset_db(name=nil) @db = CouchRest.database db(name) rescue nil @db.delete! rescue nil @db = CouchRest.database! db(name) end def teardown_db @db.delete! rescue nil end def db(name) "http://localhost:5984/exegesis-test#{name.nil? ? '' : "-#{name}"}" end end