module BarelySearchable module ModelInjections module ClassMethods def searches_on *fields, conditions if conditions.kind_of? Symbol fields.push conditions conditions = {} end conditions = {} if conditions.nil? if @searches.nil? init_searches_on end! {|field| [field, conditions]} @searches.push *fields end def init_searches_on @searches = [] end def searches @searches end def search query, limit = nil where = '0' @searches.each do |search_field| field = search_field[0].to_s hash = search_field[1] #check to make sure the field actually exists on the table unless self.columns_hash.include? field raise NameError, "#{field} is not a valid column on #{self}" end #cast the query to the right data type for this column col_query = cast_to_column(query, field) #check for an if-condition next if ! hash[:if].nil? && ! hash[:if].call(col_query) #check for an unless condition next if ! hash[:unless].nil? && hash[:unless].call(col_query) if equality_columns.include? column_to_type(field) where += ' or ' + self.arel_table[field].eq( col_query ).to_sql else like = '%' + col_query.to_s.gsub(' ','%') + '%' where += ' or ' + self.arel_table[field].matches( like ).to_sql end end if limit.nil? self.where( where ) else self.where( where ).limit( limit ) end end private def cast_to_column data, column case column_to_type(column) when :decimal, :float data.to_f when :integer data.to_i when :string, :text, :binary, :date, :datetime, :time, :timestamp data.to_s when :boolean !!data else data end end def column_to_type column self.columns_hash[ column ].type end def equality_columns [:integer, :decimal, :float, :boolean] end end def self.included to to.extend ClassMethods to.init_searches_on end end end