When /^I run rspec( with the documentation option)?$/ do |documentation| rspec_its_gem_location = File.expand_path('../../../lib/rspec/its', __FILE__) require_option = "--require #{rspec_its_gem_location}" format_option = documentation ? "--format documentation" : "" rspec_command = ['rspec', require_option, format_option, 'example_spec.rb'].join(' ') step "I run `#{rspec_command}`" end When /^I run rspec specifying line number (\d+)$/ do |line_number| rspec_its_gem_location = File.expand_path('../../../lib/rspec/its', __FILE__) require_option = "--require #{rspec_its_gem_location}" file_specification = "example_spec.rb:#{line_number}" rspec_command = ['rspec', require_option, file_specification].join(' ') step "I run `#{rspec_command}`" end Then /^the example(?:s)? should(?: all)? pass$/ do step %q{the output should contain "0 failures"} step %q{the output should not contain "0 examples"} step %q{the exit status should be 0} end Then(/^the example should fail$/) do step %q{the output should contain "1 failure"} step %q{the exit status should not be 0} end Then(/^the output should contain "(.*?)" and "(.*?)"$/) do |string1, string2| unless [string1, string2].all? { |s| all_output.include?(s) } fail %Q{Both "#{string1}" and "#{string2}" were found in:\n#{all_output}} end end