require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) include TwitterCldr::Shared describe Languages do describe "#translate_language" do it "should translate a language from one locale to another" do Languages.translate_language("Russian", :en, :es).should == "ruso" Languages.translate_language("ruso", :es, :en).should == "Russian" Languages.translate_language("Spanish", :en, :es).should == "español" Languages.translate_language("ruso", :es, :ru).should == "русский" end it "should be capitalization agnostic" do Languages.translate_language("russian", :en, :es).should == "ruso" Languages.translate_language("RUSSIAN", :en, :es).should == "ruso" end it "defaults the destination language to English (or whatever FastGettext.locale is)" do Languages.translate_language("Ruso", :es).should == "Russian" Languages.translate_language("русский", :ru).should == "Russian" end it "defaults source and destination language to English if not given" do Languages.translate_language("Russian").should == "Russian" FastGettext.locale = :es Languages.translate_language("Russian").should == "ruso" end it "successfully translates locale codes that are and are not in the CLDR using the locale map" do Languages.translate_language("Russian", :en, :'zh-cn').should == "俄文" Languages.translate_language("Russian", :en, :'zh').should == "俄文" end it "should return nil if no translation was found" do Languages.translate_language("Russian", :en, :blarg).should == nil end end describe "#from_code_for_locale" do it "should return the language in the correct locale for the given locale code (i.e. es in English should be Spanish)" do Languages.from_code_for_locale(:es, :en).should == "Spanish" Languages.from_code_for_locale(:en, :es).should == "inglés" end end describe "#from_code" do it "should return the language in the default locale for the given locale code" do Languages.from_code(:es).should == "Spanish" Languages.from_code(:ru).should == "Russian" FastGettext.locale = :es Languages.from_code(:es).should == "español" end end describe "#all_for" do it "should return a hash of all languages for the given language code" do langs = Languages.all_for(:es) langs.should be_a(Hash) langs[:ru].should == "ruso" end it "should return an empty hash for an invalid language" do langs = Languages.all_for(:blarg) langs.should == {} end end describe "#all" do it "should use the default language to get the language hash" do langs = Languages.all langs.should be_a(Hash) langs[:ru].should == "Russian" langs[:de].should == "German" FastGettext.locale = :es langs = Languages.all langs.should be_a(Hash) langs[:ru].should == "ruso" langs[:de].should == "alemán" end end end