<% if !@environment.invalid_fields[:name].nil? && @environment.invalid_fields[:name].size != 0 %>
The environment name contains illegal characters. The following characters are allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, and -.
<% end %>
<%= text_field :id => "environment_name", :name => "name", :class => "text_field", :value => params.has_key?(:name) ? h(params[:name]) : @environment.name %>
The name of the Environment
<% end %>
<%= text_area(params.has_key?(:description) ? h(params[:description]) : @environment.description, :name => "description", :class => "text_area", :id => "environment_description") %>
A description of this Environment
<% if !@environment.invalid_fields[:cookbook_version].nil? && !@environment.invalid_fields[:cookbook_version].empty? %>
There was a problem in one of your constraints. Please enter version constraints in acceptable formats (e.g. 0.0.0).
<% end %>
<%= partial 'layout/jsonedit', :json => { :defaults => @environment.default_attributes, :overrides => @environment.override_attributes }.to_json%>
A JSON hash for attributes of this environment. These attributes will be applied according to the attribute precedence rules.