module XBee class BaseCommandModeInterface < RFModule VERSION = "1.0" # Version of this class ## # initializes the communication link with the XBee device. These parameters must match those which # are configured in the XBee in order to establish communication. # xbee_usbdev_str is a path to the device used to communicate with the XBee. Typically it may # look like: /dev/tty.usbserial-A80081sF if you're using a USB to serial converter or a device such # as def initialize( xbee_usbdev_str, baud, data_bits, stop_bits, parity ) # open serial port device to XBee @xbee_serialport = xbee_usbdev_str, baud.to_i, data_bits.to_i, stop_bits.to_i, parity ) @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = self.read_timeout(:short) @baudcodes = { 1200 => 0, 2400 => 1, 4800 => 2, 9600 => 3, 19200 => 4, 38400 => 5, 57600 => 6, 115200 => 7 } @paritycodes = { :None => 0, :Even => 1, :Odd => 2, :Mark => 3, :Space => 4 } @iotypes = { :Disabled => 0, :ADC => 2, :DI => 3, :DO_Low => 4, :DO_High => 5, :Associated_Indicator => 1, :RTS => 1, :CTS => 1, :RS485_Low => 6, :RS485_High => 7 } end =begin rdoc Puts the XBee into AT command mode and insures that we can bring it to attention. The expected return value is "OK" =end def attention @xbee_serialport.write("+++") sleep 1 getresponse # flush up to +++ response if needed # if XBee is already in command mode, there will be no response, so make an explicit # AT call to insure an OK response @xbee_serialport.write("AT\r") getresponse.strip.chomp end =begin rdoc Retrieve XBee firmware version =end def fw_rev @xbee_serialport.write("ATVR\r") response = getresponse response.strip.chomp if response end =begin rdoc Retrieve XBee hardware version =end def hw_rev @xbee_serialport.write("ATHV\r") response = getresponse response.strip.chomp if response end =begin rdoc Neighbor node discovery. Returns an array of hashes each element of the array contains a hash each hash contains keys: :MY, :SH, :SL, :DB, :NI representing addresses source address, Serial High, Serial Low, Received signal strength, node identifier respectively. Aan example of the results returned (hash as seen by pp): [{:NI=>" ", :MY=>"0", :SH=>"13A200", :SL=>"4008A642", :DB=>-24}, {:NI=>" ", :MY=>"0", :SH=>"13A200", :SL=>"4008A697", :DB=>-33}, {:NI=>" ", :MY=>"0", :SH=>"13A200", :SL=>"40085AD5", :DB=>-52}] Signal strength (:DB) is reported in units of -dBM. =end rdoc def neighbors # neighbors often takes more than 1000ms to return data tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATND\r") response = getresponse # parse nodes and stuff an array of hashes @neighbors = linetype = 0 neighbor = 0 if response.nil? return @neighbors # return an empty array end response.each_line do | line | line.chomp! if line.size > 0 case linetype when 0 # MY @neighbors[ neighbor ] = @neighbors[ neighbor ].store( :MY, line ) when 1 # SH @neighbors[ neighbor ].store( :SH, line ) when 2 # SL @neighbors[ neighbor ].store( :SL, line ) when 3 # DB @neighbors[ neighbor ].store( :DB, -(line.hex) ) when 4 # NI @neighbors[ neighbor ].store( :NI, line ) neighbor += 1 end if linetype < 4 linetype += 1 else linetype = 0 end end end @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp @neighbors end =begin rdoc returns the source address of the XBee device - the MY address value =end def my_src_address @xbee_serialport.write("ATMY\r") getresponse.strip.chomp end =begin rdoc sets the 16-bit source address of the XBee device. The parameter should be a 16-bit hex value. The factory default is 0. By setting the MY src address to 0xffff, 16-bit addressing is disabled and the XBee will not listen for packets with 16-bit address fields =end def my_src_address!(new_addr) @xbee_serialport.write("ATMY#{new_addr}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the low portion of the XBee device's current destination address =end def destination_low @xbee_serialport.write("ATDL\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc sets the low portion of the XBee device's destination address =end def destination_low!(low_addr) @xbee_serialport.write("ATDL#{low_addr}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the high portion of the XBee device's current destination address =end def destination_high @xbee_serialport.write("ATDH\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc sets the high portion of the XBee device's current destination address =end def destination_high!(high_addr) @xbee_serialport.write("ATDH#{high_addr}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the low portion of the XBee device's serial number. this value is factory set. =end def serial_num_low @xbee_serialport.write("ATSL\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the high portion of the XBee devices serial number. this value is factory set. =end def serial_num_high @xbee_serialport.write("ATSH\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the channel number of the XBee device. this value, along with the PAN ID, and MY address determines the addressability of the device and what it can listen to =end def channel # channel often takes more than 1000ms to return data tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATCH\r") response = getresponse @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp response.strip.chomp if response end =begin rdoc sets the channel number of the device. The valid channel numbers are those of the 802.15.4 standard. =end def channel!(new_channel) # channel takes more than 1000ms to return data tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATCH#{new_channel}\r") response = getresponse @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp response.strip.chomp if response end =begin rdoc returns the node ID of the device. Node ID is typically a human-meaningful name to give to the XBee device, much like a hostname. =end def node_id tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATNI\r") response = getresponse() @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp if ( response.nil? ) return "" else response.strip.chomp end end =begin rdoc sets the node ID to a user-definable text string to make it easier to identify the device with "human" names. This node id is reported to neighboring XBees so consider it "public". =end def node_id!(new_id) tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATNI#{new_id}\r") response = getresponse @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp if ( response.nil? ) return "" else response.strip.chomp end end =begin rdoc returns the PAN ID of the device. PAN ID is one of the 3 main identifiers used to communicate with the device from other XBees. All XBees which are meant to communicate must have the same PAN ID and channel number. The 3rd identifier is the address of the device itself represented by its serial number (High and Low) and/or it's 16-bit MY source address. =end def pan_id @xbee_serialport.write("ATID\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc sets the PAN ID of the device. Modules must have the same PAN ID in order to communicate with each other. The PAN ID value can range from 0 - 0xffff. The default from the factory is set to 0x3332. =end def pan_id!(new_id) @xbee_serialport.write("ATID#{new_id}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the signal strength in dBm units of the last received packet. Expect a negative integer or 0 to be returned. If the XBee device has not received any neighboring packet data, the signal strength value will be 0 =end def received_signal_strength @xbee_serialport.write("ATDB\r") response = getresponse.strip.chomp # this response is an absolute hex value which is in -dBm # modify this so it returns actual - dBm value dbm = -(response.hex) if response end =begin rdoc retrieves the baud rate of the device. Generally, this will be the same as the rate you're currently using to talk to the device unless you've changed the device's baud rate and are still in the AT command mode and/or have not exited command mode explicitly for the new baud rate to take effect. =end def baud @xbee_serialport.write("ATBD\r") baudcode = getresponse @baudcodes.key( baudcode.to_i ) end =begin rdoc sets the given baud rate into the XBee device. The baud change will not take effect until the AT command mode times out or the exit command mode command is given. acceptable baud rates are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 end =end def baud!( baud_rate ) @xbee_serialport.write("ATBD#{@baudcodes[baud_rate]}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc returns the parity of the device as represented by a symbol: :None - for 8-bit none :Even - for 8-bit even :Odd - for 8-bit odd :Mark - for 8-bit mark :Space - for 8-bit space =end def parity @xbee_serialport.write("ATNB\r") response = getresponse().strip.chomp @paritycodes.key( response.to_i ) end =begin rdoc sets the parity of the device to one represented by a symbol contained in the parity_type parameter :None - for 8-bit none :Even - for 8-bit even :Odd - for 8-bit odd :Mark - for 8-bit mark :Space - for 8-bit space =end def parity!( parity_type ) # validate symbol before writing parity param if !@paritycodes.include?(parity_type) return false end @xbee_serialport.write("ATNB#{@paritycodes[parity_type]}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc reads an i/o port configuration on the XBee for analog to digital or digital input or output (GPIO) this method returns an I/O type symbol of: :Disabled :ADC :DI :DO_Low :DO_High :Associated_Indicator :RTS :CTS :RS485_Low :RS485_High Not all DIO ports are capable of every configuration listed above. This method will properly translate the XBee's response value to the symbol above when the same value has different meanings from port to port. The port parameter may be any symbol :D0 through :D8 representing the 8 I/O ports on an XBee =end def dio( port ) at = "AT#{port.to_s}\r" @xbee_serialport.write( at ) response = getresponse.to_i if response == 1 # the value of 1 is overloaded based on port number case port when :D5 return :Associated_Indicator when :D6 return :RTS when :D7 return :CTS end else @iotypes.key(response) end end =begin rdoc configures an i/o port on the XBee for analog to digital or digital input or output (GPIO) port parameter valid values are the symbols :D0 through :D8 iotype parameter valid values are symbols: :Disabled :ADC :DI :DO_Low :DO_High :Associated_Indicator :RTS :CTS :RS485_Low :RS485_High note: not all iotypes are compatible with every port type, see the XBee manual for exceptions and semantics note: it is critical you have upgraded firmware in your XBee or DIO ports 0-4 cannot be read (ie: ATD0 will return ERROR - this is an XBee firmware bug that's fixed in revs later than 1083) note: tested with rev 10CD, fails with rev 1083 =end def dio!( port, iotype ) at = "AT#{port.to_s}#{@iotypes[iotype]}\r" @xbee_serialport.write( at ) getresponse end =begin rdoc reads the bitfield values for change detect monitoring. returns a bitmask indicating which DIO lines, 0-7 are enabled or disabled for change detect monitoring =end def dio_change_detect @xbee_serialport.write("ATIC\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc sets the bitfield values for change detect monitoring. The hexbitmap parameter is a bitmap which enables or disables the change detect monitoring for any of the DIO ports 0-7 =end def dio_change_detect!( hexbitmap ) @xbee_serialport.write("ATIC#{hexbitmask}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc Sets the digital output levels of any DIO lines which were configured for output using the dio! method. The parameter, hexbitmap, is a hex value which represents the 8-bit bitmap of the i/o lines on the XBee. =end def io_output!( hexbitmap ) @xbee_serialport.write("ATIO#{hexbitmap}\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc Forces a sampling of all DIO pins configured for input via dio! Returns a hash with the following key/value pairs: :NUM => number of samples :CM => channel mask :DIO => dio data if DIO lines are enabled :ADCn => adc sample data (one for each ADC channel enabled) =end def io_input tmp = @xbee_serialport.read_timeout @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = read_timeout(:long) @xbee_serialport.write("ATIS\r") response = getresponse linenum = 1 adc_sample = 1 samples = if response.match("ERROR") samples[:ERROR] = "ERROR" return samples end # otherwise parse input data response.each_line do | line | case linenum when 1 samples[:NUM] = line.to_i when 2 samples[:CM] = line.strip.chomp if line when 3 samples[:DIO] = line.strip.chomp if line else sample = line.strip.chomp if line if ( !sample.nil? && sample.size > 0 ) samples["ADC#{adc_sample}".to_sym] = line.strip.chomp if line adc_sample += 1 end end linenum += 1 end @xbee_serialport.read_timeout = tmp samples end =begin rdoc writes the current XBee configuration to the XBee device's flash. There is no undo for this operation =end def save! @xbee_serialport.write("ATWR\r") getresponse end =begin rdoc resets the XBee module through software and simulates a power off/on. Any configuration changes that have not been saved with the save! method will be lost during reset. =end def reset! @xbee_serialport.write("ATFR\r") end =begin rdoc Restores all the module parameters to factory defaults =end def restore! @xbee_serialport.write("ATRE\r") end =begin rdoc just a straight pass through of data to the XBee. This can be used to send data when not in AT command mode, or if you want to control the XBee with raw commands, you can send them this way. =end def send!(message) @xbee_serialport.write( message ) end =begin rdoc exits the AT command mode - all changed parameters will take effect such as baud rate changes after the exit is complete. exit_command_mode does not permanently save the parameter changes when it exits AT command mode. In order to permanently change parameters, use the save! method =end def exit_command_mode @xbee_serialport.write("ATCN\r") end =begin rdoc returns the version of this class =end def version VERSION end =begin rdoc returns results from the XBee echo is disabled by default =end def getresponse( echo = false ) getresults( @xbee_serialport, echo ) end end class XBeeV1CommandModeInterface < BaseCommandModeInterface end # class XBeeV1ATInterface class XBeeV2CommandModeInterface < BaseCommandModeInterface end # class XBeeV2ATInterface end