require "spec_helper" if opal? # require 'reactrb/new-event-name-convention' # this require will get rid of any error messages but # the on method will no longer attach to the param prefixed with _on describe React::Element, type: :component do it 'bridges `type` of native React.Element attributes' do element = React.create_element('div') expect(element.element_type).to eq("div") end async 'is renderable' do element = React.create_element('span') div = `document.createElement("div")` React.render(element, div) do run_async { expect(`div.children[0].tagName`).to eq("SPAN") } end end describe "Event Subscription" do it "keeps the original params" do stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do include React::Component def render INPUT(value: nil, type: 'text').on(:change) {} end end expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo))).to match(//) end end describe 'Component Event Subscription' do it 'will subscribe to a component event param' do stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do param :on_event, type: Proc, default: nil, allow_nil: true def render params.on_event end end expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo).on(:event) {'works!'})).to eq('works!') end it 'will subscribe to multiple component event params' do stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do param :on_event1, type: Proc, default: nil, allow_nil: true param :on_event2, type: Proc, default: nil, allow_nil: true def render params.on_event1+params.on_event2 end end expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo).on(:event1, :event2) {'works!'})).to eq('works!works!') end it 'will subscribe to a native components event param' do %x{ window.NativeComponent = React.createClass({ displayName: "HelloMessage", render: function render() { return React.createElement("span", null, this.props.onEvent()); } }) } stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do imports "NativeComponent" end expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo).on(:event) {'works!'})).to eq('works!') end it 'will subscribe to a component event param with a non-default name' do stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do param :my_event, type: Proc, default: nil, allow_nil: true def render params.my_event end end expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo).on("") {'works!'})).to eq('works!') end it 'will subscribe to a component event param using the deprecated naming convention and generate a message' do stub_const 'Foo', Foo.class_eval do param :_onEvent, type: Proc, default: nil, allow_nil: true def render params._onEvent end end %x{ var log = []; var org_warn_console = window.console.warn; var org_error_console = window.console.error; window.console.warn = window.console.error = function(str){log.push(str)} } expect(React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Foo).on(:event) {'works!'})).to eq('works!') `window.console.warn = org_warn_console; window.console.error = org_error_console;` expect(`log[0]`).to match(/Warning: Failed prop( type|Type): In component `Foo`\nProvided prop `on_event` not specified in spec/) expect(`log[1]`).to eq("Warning: Deprecated feature used in React::Component. In future releases React::Element#on('event') will no longer respond to the '_onEvent' emitter.\nRename your emitter param to 'on_event' or use .on('<_onEvent>')") end end describe 'Builtin Event subscription' do it 'is subscribable through `on(:event_name)` method' do expect { |b| element = React.create_element("div").on(:click, &b) dom_node = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) React::Test::Utils.simulate(:click, dom_node) }.to yield_with_args(React::Event) expect { |b| element = React.create_element("div").on(:key_down, &b) dom_node = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) React::Test::Utils.simulate(:keyDown, dom_node, {key: "Enter"}) }.to yield_control expect { |b| element = React.create_element("form").on(:submit, &b) dom_node = React::Test::Utils.render_into_document(element) React::Test::Utils.simulate(:submit, dom_node) }.to yield_control end it 'returns self for `on` method' do element = React.create_element("div") expect(element.on(:click){}).to eq(element) end end end end