# RailsAdmin config file. Generated on February 20, 2013 11:22 # See github.com/sferik/rails_admin for more informations RailsAdmin.config do |config| ################ Global configuration ################ # Set the admin name here (optional second array element will appear in red). For example: config.main_app_name = ['Employ Perf', 'Admin'] # or for a more dynamic name: # config.main_app_name = Proc.new { |controller| [Rails.application.engine_name.titleize, controller.params['action'].titleize] } # RailsAdmin may need a way to know who the current user is] config.current_user_method { current_user } # auto-generated # If you want to track changes on your models: # config.audit_with :history, 'User' # Or with a PaperTrail: (you need to install it first) # config.audit_with :paper_trail, 'User' # Display empty fields in show views: # config.compact_show_view = false # Number of default rows per-page: # config.default_items_per_page = 20 # Exclude specific models (keep the others): # config.excluded_models = ['User'] # Include specific models (exclude the others): # config.included_models = ['User'] # Label methods for model instances: # config.label_methods << :description # Default is [:name, :title] ################ Model configuration ################ # Each model configuration can alternatively: # - stay here in a `config.model 'ModelName' do ... end` block # - go in the model definition file in a `rails_admin do ... end` block # This is your choice to make: # - This initializer is loaded once at startup (modifications will show up when restarting the application) but all RailsAdmin configuration would stay in one place. # - Models are reloaded at each request in development mode (when modified), which may smooth your RailsAdmin development workflow. # Now you probably need to tour the wiki a bit: https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki # Anyway, here is how RailsAdmin saw your application's models when you ran the initializer: ### User ### # config.model 'User' do # # You can copy this to a 'rails_admin do ... end' block inside your user.rb model definition # # Found associations: # # Found columns: # configure :id, :integer # configure :email, :string # configure :password, :password # Hidden # configure :password_confirmation, :password # Hidden # configure :reset_password_token, :string # Hidden # configure :firstname, :string # configure :lastname, :string # configure :phonenum, :integer # configure :address, :text # configure :team_id, :integer # configure :role_id, :integer # configure :reset_password_sent_at, :datetime # configure :remember_created_at, :datetime # configure :sign_in_count, :integer # configure :current_sign_in_at, :datetime # configure :last_sign_in_at, :datetime # configure :current_sign_in_ip, :string # configure :last_sign_in_ip, :string # configure :confirmation_token, :string # configure :confirmed_at, :datetime # configure :confirmation_sent_at, :datetime # configure :unconfirmed_email, :string # configure :created_at, :datetime # configure :updated_at, :datetime # # Cross-section configuration: # # object_label_method :name # Name of the method called for pretty printing an *instance* of ModelName # # label 'My model' # Name of ModelName (smartly defaults to ActiveRecord's I18n API) # # label_plural 'My models' # Same, plural # # weight 0 # Navigation priority. Bigger is higher. # # parent OtherModel # Set parent model for navigation. MyModel will be nested below. OtherModel will be on first position of the dropdown # # navigation_label # Sets dropdown entry's name in navigation. Only for parents! # # Section specific configuration: # list do # # filters [:id, :name] # Array of field names which filters should be shown by default in the table header # # items_per_page 100 # Override default_items_per_page # # sort_by :id # Sort column (default is primary key) # # sort_reverse true # Sort direction (default is true for primary key, last created first) # end # show do; end # edit do; end # export do; end # # also see the create, update, modal and nested sections, which override edit in specific cases (resp. when creating, updating, modifying from another model in a popup modal or modifying from another model nested form) # # you can override a cross-section field configuration in any section with the same syntax `configure :field_name do ... end` # # using `field` instead of `configure` will exclude all other fields and force the ordering # end end