require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/example_helper' # Solves the square tiling problem. The objective is to pack supplied squares # into a bigger rectangle so that there is no overlap. class SquareTiling < Gecode::Model # Takes the width and height of the rectangle to pack the squares into. Then # the sizes of the squares that should be packed into the rectangle. The sizes # must be sorted. def initialize(width, height, square_sizes) @sizes = square_sizes @square_count = @sizes.size # The coordinates of the placed squares. @xs = int_var_array(@square_count, 0..(width - @sizes.min)) @ys = int_var_array(@square_count, 0..(height - @sizes.min)) # The essential constraints of the problem. @square_count.times do |i| # Each square must be placed within the bounds @xs[i].must <= width - @sizes[i] @ys[i].must <= height - @sizes[i] # Pairwise conditions, no pair of squares may overlap. 0.upto(i - 1) do |j| # That the two squares don't overlap means that i is left of j, # or j is left of i, or i is above j, or j is above i. ((@xs[j] - @xs[i]).must >= @sizes[i]) | ((@xs[i] - @xs[j]).must >= @sizes[j]) | ((@ys[j] - @ys[i]).must >= @sizes[i]) | ((@ys[i] - @ys[j]).must >= @sizes[j]) end end # A couple of implied constraints that only serve to make the solving # faster: # The combined size of all squares occupying a column must be equal to the # total height. occupied_length_must_equal_total_length(height, width, @xs) # The combined size of all squares occupying a row must be equal to the # total width. occupied_length_must_equal_total_length(width, height, @ys) # Symmetry-breaking constraint: Order squares of the same size. @square_count.times do |i| @xs[i].must <= @xs[i+1] if @sizes[i] == @sizes[i+1] end # Place the squares left to right on the x-axis first, then the y-axis. branch_on @xs, :variable => :smallest_min, :value => :min branch_on @ys, :variable => :smallest_min, :value => :min end # Constrains the combined length of the squares in the same row or column to # equal +total_length+ in the axis of the specified coordinates +coords+, # which is +axist_length+ long. def occupied_length_must_equal_total_length(total_length, axis_length, coords) axis_length.times do |i| # We create an array of boolean variables and constrain it so that element # +j+ is true iff square +j+ occupies +i+ (+i+ being a row or column). occupied = bool_var_array(@square_count) occupied.each_with_index do |is_occupying, j| coords[j] - @sizes[j] + 1)..i, :reify => is_occupying) end # Constrain the combined length of squares that are occupying +i+ to equal # the total length. We multiply the sizes with the boolean variables # since a boolean in linear equation is 0 if assigned false and 1 if # assigned true. Hence we will mask out the sizes of any squares not in # +i+. occupied_sizes ={ |bool, size| bool*size } occupied_sizes.inject(0){ |sum, x| x + sum }.must.equal(total_length, :strength => :domain) end end # Displays the coordinates of the squares. # TODO: Something more impressive. def to_s{ |x,y| "(#{x}, #{y})"}.join(', ') end end puts, 47, [25, 24, 23, 22, 19, 17, 11, 6, 5, 3]).solve!.to_s