# # Composer - Optional Content # # This example shows how to use the optional content feature to create a quiz # where the answers can be individually shown and hidden. There is also a link # after the questions to toggle all answers. # # Note: To provide the "All answers" layer switch functionality we need to make # use of optional content membership dictionaries. However, this PDF feature is # not supported by all PDF viewers. To enable the "All answers" switch in this # example, use `a1m`, `a2m`, and `a3m` instead of `a1`, `a2`, and `a3` when # defining the optional content for a box. # # Usage: # : `ruby composer_optional_content.rb` # require 'hexapdf' HexaPDF::Composer.create('composer_optional_content.pdf') do |composer| composer.style(:question, font_size: 16, margin: [0, 0, 16], fill_color: 'hp-blue') composer.style(:answer, font: 'ZapfDingbats', fill_color: "green") all = composer.document.optional_content.ocg('All answers') a1 = composer.document.optional_content.ocg('Answer 1') a1m = composer.document.optional_content.create_ocmd([a1, all], policy: :any_on) a2 = composer.document.optional_content.ocg('Answer 2') a2m = composer.document.optional_content.create_ocmd([a2, all], policy: :any_on) a3 = composer.document.optional_content.ocg('Answer 3') a3m = composer.document.optional_content.create_ocmd([a3, all], policy: :any_on) composer.text('The Great Ruby Quiz', text_align: :center, margin: [0, 0, 24], font: ['Helvetica', variant: :bold], font_size: 24) composer.list(marker_type: :decimal, item_spacing: 32, style: :question) do |listing| listing.multiple do |item| item.text('Who created Ruby?', style: :question) item.column(columns: 3, gaps: 5) do |cols| cols.list(marker_type: :decimal) do |answers| answers.text('Guido van Rossum') answers.multiple do |answer| answer.text('Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto', position: :float) answer.text("\u{a0}\u{a0}4", style: :answer, properties: {'optional_content' => a1}) end answers.text('Rob Pike') end end end listing.multiple do |item| item.text('When was Ruby created?', style: :question) item.column(columns: 3, gaps: 5) do |cols| cols.list(marker_type: :decimal) do |answers| answers.text('1991') answers.text('1992') answers.multiple do |answer| answer.text('1993', position: :float) answer.text("\u{a0}\u{a0}4", style: :answer, properties: {'optional_content' => a2}) end end end end listing.multiple do |item| item.text('What is the best PDF library for Ruby?', style: :question) answer = composer.document.layout.text('There are several PDF libraries for ' \ 'Ruby but the best is HexaPDF! :)', width: 400, properties: {'optional_content' => a3}) item.formatted_text([{box: answer}], border: {width: [0, 0, 1]}) end end action = composer.document.wrap({Type: :Action, S: :SetOCGState}) action.add_state_change(:toggle, [a1, a2, a3]) composer.text("Click to toggle answers", border: {width: 1, color: "red"}, align: :right, padding: 2, overlays: [[:link, action: action]]) composer.document.optional_content.default_configuration( BaseState: :OFF, Order: [all, a1, a2, a3], ) end