= google_otg
Author:: Eric Silverberg (http://www.ericsilverberg.com)
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Silverberg
License:: MIT (Go Beavers!)
Git:: http://github.com/esilverberg/google_otg/tree/master
This plugin adds helpers to include Google's pretty over time line graph in your rails application. You will
recognize this line graph from Google Analytics.
Many features are missing, including support for multiple lines and colors. Feel free to add.
== Requirements
You must be able to generate arrays of objects that respond to "count" and "created_at". The X-axis is presumed to be dates. You can control time step of the x-axis.
== Example Usage
In your controller:
@hits_last_week = Hits.find_by_sql(["
DAYOFYEAR(hits.created_at) as d,
DATE(hits.created_at) as created_at,
count(*) as count
FROM hits
WHERE hits.created_at > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 7 DAY
ORDER BY created_at"])
In your view:
<%= over_time_graph(@hits_last_week) %>
<%= over_time_graph(@hits_last_week, :label => "Hits", :range => 1440, :x_label_format => "%A, %B %d", :src => "/google/OverTimeGraph.swf") %>
== +over_time_graph+
Some of the options available:
:label:: The label of quantity being measured
:range:: The time step, in minutes
:x_label_format:: The time format for the x label
:src:: An optional local source to serve this widget (otherwise will serve from Google)
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 esilverberg. See LICENSE for details.