module Pakyow module Presenter class Page MATTER_MATCHER = /^(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m class << self def load(path) format = StringUtils.split_at_last_dot(path)[-1] name = File.basename(path, '.*').to_sym contents = FileTest.file?(path) ? : nil return, contents, path, format) end end attr_reader :contents, :path def initialize(name, contents, path, format = :html) @name, @contents, @path, @format = name, contents, path, format @info = {} @content = {} unless @contents.nil? parse_info parse_content end partials end def initialize_copy(original_page) super # copy content @content = {} original_page.content.each_pair do |k, v| @content[k] = v.dup end end def build(partial_map) partials.each do |container, partial_list| partial_list.each do |partial_name| regex = // @content[container].gsub!(regex, partial_map[partial_name].to_s) partial_map.delete(partial_name) end end # we have more partials if partial_map.count > 0 # initiate another build if content contains partials build(partial_map) if partials(true).count > 0 end return self end def content(container = nil) return container.nil? ? @content : @content[container.to_sym] end def template @info[:template] || :pakyow end def ==(page) @contents == page.contents end def partials(refind = false) @partials = (!@partials || refind) ? find_partials : @partials end private def parse_info info = parse_front_matter(@contents) info = {} if !info || !info.is_a?(Hash) @info = HashUtils.symbolize(info) end def parse_content # remove yaml front matter @contents.gsub!(/---(.|\n)*---/, '') # process contents @contents = Presenter.process(@contents, @format) # find content in named containers within_regex = /(.*?)/m @contents.scan(within_regex) do |m| container = m[0].to_sym @content[container] = m[1] end # find default content @content[:default] = @contents.gsub(within_regex, '') end # returns an array of hashes, each with the partial name and doc def find_partials partials = {} partial_regex = // @content.each do |name, content| content.scan(partial_regex) do |m| partials[name] ||= [] partials[name] << m[0].to_sym end end return partials end def parse_front_matter(contents) matter = YAML.load(contents.match(MATTER_MATCHER).to_s) return matter end end end end