require 'bundler/setup' require 'minitest/reporters' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/spec' MiniTest::Reporters.use! if ENV['RM_INFO'] load_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH << load_path unless $LOAD_PATH.include? load_path require 'dynflow' require 'dynflow/testing' begin require 'pry'; rescue LoadError; nil end require 'support/code_workflow_example' require 'support/middleware_example' require 'support/rescue_example' require 'support/dummy_example' require 'support/test_execution_log' Concurrent.disable_at_exit_handlers! # To be able to stop a process in some step and perform assertions while paused class TestPause def self.setup @pause = Concurrent.future @ready = Concurrent.future end def self.teardown @pause = nil @ready = nil end # to be called from action def self.pause if !@pause raise 'the TestPause class was not setup' elsif @ready.completed? raise 'you can pause only once' else @ready.success(true) @pause.wait end end # in the block perform assertions def self.when_paused if @pause @ready.wait # wait till we are paused yield @pause.success(true) # resume the run else raise 'the TestPause class was not setup' end end end class CoordiationAdapterWithLog < Dynflow::CoordinatorAdapters::Sequel attr_reader :lock_log def initialize(*args) @lock_log = [] super end def create_record(record) @lock_log << "lock #{}" if record.is_a? Dynflow::Coordinator::Lock super end def delete_record(record) @lock_log << "unlock #{}" if record.is_a? Dynflow::Coordinator::Lock super end end module WorldFactory def self.created_worlds @created_worlds ||= [] end def self.test_world_config config = config.persistence_adapter = persistence_adapter config.logger_adapter = logger_adapter config.coordinator_adapter = coordinator_adapter config.delayed_executor = nil config.auto_rescue = false config.auto_validity_check = false config.exit_on_terminate = false config.auto_execute = false config.auto_terminate = false config.backup_deleted_plans = false config.backup_dir = nil yield config if block_given? return config end # The worlds created by this method are getting terminated after each test run def self.create_world(klass = Dynflow::World, &block) do |world| created_worlds << world end end # This world survives though the whole run of the test suite: careful with it, it can # introduce unnecessary test dependencies def self.logger_adapter @adapter ||= $stderr, 4 end def self.persistence_adapter @persistence_adapter ||= begin db_config = ENV['DB_CONN_STRING'] || 'sqlite:/' puts "Using database configuration: #{db_config}" end end def self.coordinator_adapter ->(world, _) { } end def self.clean_coordinator_records persistence_adapter = WorldFactory.persistence_adapter persistence_adapter.find_coordinator_records({}).each do |w| warn "Unexpected coordinator record: #{ w }" persistence_adapter.delete_coordinator_record(w[:class], w[:id]) end end def self.terminate_worlds created_worlds.clear end end module TestHelpers # allows to create the world inside the tests, using the `connector` # and `persistence adapter` from the test context: usefull to create # multi-world topology for a signle test def create_world(with_executor = true, &block) WorldFactory.create_world do |config| config.connector = connector config.persistence_adapter = persistence_adapter unless with_executor config.executor = false end if block end end def connector_polling_interval(world) if == "Sequel::Postgres::Database" 5 else 0.005 end end # waits for the passed block to return non-nil value and reiterates it while getting false # (till some reasonable timeout). Useful for forcing the tests for some event to occur def wait_for 30.times do ret = yield return ret if ret sleep 0.3 end raise 'waiting for something to happen was not successful' end def executor_id_for_plan(execution_plan_id) if lock = client_world.coordinator.find_locks(class:, id: "execution-plan:#{execution_plan_id}").first lock.world_id end end def trigger_waiting_action triggered = client_world.trigger(Support::DummyExample::EventedAction) wait_for { executor_id_for_plan( } # waiting for the plan to be picked by an executor triggered end # trigger an action, and keep it running while yielding the block def while_executing_plan triggered = trigger_waiting_action executor_id = wait_for do executor_id_for_plan( end wait_for do client_world.persistence.load_execution_plan( == :running end executor = WorldFactory.created_worlds.find { |e| == executor_id } raise "Could not find an executor with id #{executor_id}" unless executor yield executor return triggered end # finish the plan triggered by the `while_executing_plan` method def finish_the_plan(triggered) wait_for do client_world.persistence.load_execution_plan( == :running && client_world.persistence.load_step(, 2, client_world).state == :suspended end client_world.event(, 2, 'finish') return triggered.finished.value end def assert_plan_reexecuted(plan) assert_equal :stopped, plan.state assert_equal :success, plan.result assert_equal, ['start execution', 'terminate execution', 'start execution', 'finish execution'] refute_equal plan.execution_history.first.world_id, plan.execution_history.to_a.last.world_id end end class MiniTest::Test def setup WorldFactory.clean_coordinator_records end def teardown WorldFactory.terminate_worlds end end # ensure there are no unresolved events at the end or being GCed events_test = -> do event_creations = {} non_ready_events = {} Concurrent::Edge::Event.singleton_class.send :define_method, :new do |*args, &block| super(*args, &block).tap do |event| event_creations[event.object_id] = caller(4) end end [Concurrent::Edge::Event, Concurrent::Edge::Future].each do |future_class| original_complete_method = future_class.instance_method :complete_with future_class.send :define_method, :complete_with do |*args| begin original_complete_method.bind(self).call(*args) ensure event_creations.delete(self.object_id) end end end MiniTest.after_run do Concurrent::Actor.root.ask!(:terminate!) non_ready_events = ObjectSpace.each_object(Concurrent::Edge::Event).map do |event| event.wait(1) unless event.completed? event.object_id end end.compact # make sure to include the ids that were garbage-collected already non_ready_events = (non_ready_events + event_creations.keys).uniq unless non_ready_events.empty? unified = non_ready_events.each_with_object({}) do |(id, _), h| backtrace_key = event_creations[id].hash h[backtrace_key] ||= [] h[backtrace_key] << id end raise("there were #{non_ready_events.size} non_ready_events:\n" + do |_, ids| "--- #{ids.size}: #{ids}\n#{event_creations[ids.first].join("\n")}" end.join("\n")) end end # time out all futures by default default_timeout = 8 wait_method = Concurrent::Edge::Event.instance_method(:wait) Concurrent::Edge::Event.class_eval do define_method :wait do |timeout = nil| wait_method.bind(self).call(timeout || default_timeout) end end end class ConcurrentRunTester def initialize @enter_future, @exit_future = Concurrent.future, Concurrent.future end def while_executing(&block) @thread = do end @enter_future.wait(1) end def pause @enter_future.success(true) @exit_future.wait(1) end def finish @exit_future.success(true) @thread.join end end module PlanAssertions def inspect_flow(execution_plan, flow) out = "" inspect_subflow(out, execution_plan, flow, "") out end def inspect_plan_steps(execution_plan) out = "" inspect_plan_step(out, execution_plan, execution_plan.root_plan_step, "") out end def assert_planning_success(execution_plan) execution_plan.plan_steps.all? { |plan_step| plan_step.state.must_equal :success, plan_step.error } end def assert_run_flow(expected, execution_plan) assert_planning_success(execution_plan) inspect_flow(execution_plan, execution_plan.run_flow).chomp.must_equal dedent(expected).chomp end def assert_finalize_flow(expected, execution_plan) assert_planning_success(execution_plan) inspect_flow(execution_plan, execution_plan.finalize_flow).chomp.must_equal dedent(expected).chomp end def assert_run_flow_equal(expected_plan, execution_plan) expected = inspect_flow(expected_plan, expected_plan.run_flow) current = inspect_flow(execution_plan, execution_plan.run_flow) assert_equal expected, current end def assert_steps_equal(expected, current) current.class.must_equal expected.class current.state.must_equal expected.state current.action_class.must_equal expected.action_class current.action_id.must_equal expected.action_id if expected.respond_to?(:children) current.children.must_equal(expected.children) end end def assert_plan_steps(expected, execution_plan) inspect_plan_steps(execution_plan).chomp.must_equal dedent(expected).chomp end def assert_finalized(action_class, input) assert_executed(:finalize, action_class, input) end def assert_executed(phase, action_class, input) log = TestExecutionLog.send(phase).log found_log = log.any? do |(logged_action_class, logged_input)| action_class == logged_action_class && input == logged_input end unless found_log message = ["#{action_class} with input #{input.inspect} not executed in #{phase} phase"] message << "following actions were executed:" log.each do |(logged_action_class, logged_input)| message << "#{logged_action_class} #{logged_input.inspect}" end raise message.join("\n") end end def inspect_subflow(out, execution_plan, flow, prefix) case flow when Dynflow::Flows::Atom out << prefix out << flow.step_id.to_s << ': ' step = execution_plan.steps[flow.step_id] out << step.action_class.to_s[/\w+\Z/] out << "(#{step.state})" out << ' ' action = out << action.input.inspect unless step.state == :pending out << ' --> ' out << action.output.inspect end out << "\n" else out << prefix << << "\n" flow.sub_flows.each do |sub_flow| inspect_subflow(out, execution_plan, sub_flow, prefix + ' ') end end out end def inspect_plan_step(out, execution_plan, plan_step, prefix) out << prefix out << plan_step.action_class.to_s[/\w+\Z/] out << "\n" plan_step.children.each do |sub_step_id| sub_step = execution_plan.steps[sub_step_id] inspect_plan_step(out, execution_plan, sub_step, prefix + ' ') end out end def dedent(string) dedent = string.scan(/^ */).map { |spaces| spaces.size }.min { |line| line[dedent..-1] }.join end end