## Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.pre5 and 0.9.0.pre6 ### Automatic Network Failure Recovery Automatic Network Failure Recovery is a new Bunny feature that was earlier impemented and vetted out in [amqp gem](http://rubyamqp.info). What it does is, when a network activity loop detects an issue, it will try to periodically recover [first TCP, then] AMQP 0.9.1 connection, reopen all channels, recover all exchanges, queues, bindings and consumers on those channels (to be clear: this only includes entities and consumers added via Bunny). Publishers and consumers will continue operating shortly after the network connection recovers. Learn more in the [Error Handling and Recovery](http://rubybunny.info/articles/error_handling.html) documentation guide. ### Confirms Listeners Bunny now supports listeners (callbacks) on ``` ruby ch.confirm_select do |delivery_tag, multiple, nack| # handle confirms (e.g. perform retries) here end ``` Contributed by Greg Brockman. ### Publisher Confirms Improvements Publisher confirms implementation now uses non-strict equality (`<=`) for cases when multiple messages are confirmed by RabbitMQ at once. `Bunny::Channel#unconfirmed_set` is now part of the public API that lets developers access unconfirmed delivery tags to perform retries and such. Contributed by Greg Brockman. ### Publisher Confirms Concurrency Fix `Bunny::Channel#wait_for_confirms` will now correctly block the calling thread until all pending confirms are received. ## Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.pre4 and 0.9.0.pre5 ### Channel Errors Reset Channel error information is now properly reset when a channel is (re)opened. GH issue: #83. ### Bunny::Consumer#initial Default Change the default value of `Bunny::Consumer` noack argument changed from false to true for consistency. ### Bunny::Session#prefetch Removed Global prefetch is not implemented in RabbitMQ, so `Bunny::Session#prefetch` is gone from the API. ### Queue Redeclaration Bug Fix Fixed a problem when a queue was not declared after being deleted and redeclared GH issue: #80 ### Channel Cache Invalidation Channel queue and exchange caches are now properly invalidated when queues and exchanges are deleted. ## Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.pre3 and 0.9.0.pre4 ### Heartbeats Support Fixes Heartbeats are now correctly sent at safe intervals (half of the configured interval). In addition, setting `:heartbeat => 0` (or `nil`) will disable heartbeats, just like in Bunny 0.8 and [amqp gem](http://rubyamqp.info). Default `:heartbeat` value is now `600` (seconds), the same as RabbitMQ 3.0 default. ### Eliminate Race Conditions When Registering Consumers Fixes a potential race condition between `basic.consume-ok` handler and delivery handler when a consumer is registered for a queue that has messages in it. GH issue: #78. ### Support for Alternative Authentication Mechanisms Bunny now supports two authentication mechanisms and can be extended to support more. The supported methods are `"PLAIN"` (username and password) and `"EXTERNAL"` (typically uses TLS, UNIX sockets or another mechanism that does not rely on username/challenge pairs). To use the `"EXTERNAL"` method, pass `:auth_mechanism => "EXTERNAL"` to `Bunny.new`: ``` ruby # uses the EXTERNAL authentication mechanism conn = Bunny.new(:auth_method => "EXTERNAL") conn.start ``` ### Bunny::Consumer#cancel A new high-level API method: `Bunny::Consumer#cancel`, can be used to cancel a consumer. `Bunny::Queue#subscribe` will now return consumer instances when the `:block` option is passed in as `false`. ### Bunny::Exchange#delete Behavior Change `Bunny::Exchange#delete` will no longer delete pre-declared exchanges that cannot be declared by Bunny (`amq.*` and the default exchange). ### Bunny::DeliveryInfo#redelivered? `Bunny::DeliveryInfo#redelivered?` is a new method that is an alias to `Bunny::DeliveryInfo#redelivered` but follows the Ruby community convention about predicate method names. ### Corrected Bunny::DeliveryInfo#delivery_tag Name `Bunny::DeliveryInfo#delivery_tag` had a typo which is now fixed. ## Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.pre2 and 0.9.0.pre3 ### Client Capabilities Bunny now correctly lists RabbitMQ extensions it currently supports in client capabilities: * `basic.nack` * exchange-to-exchange bindings * consumer cancellation notifications * publisher confirms ### Publisher Confirms Support [Lightweight Publisher Confirms](http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2011/02/10/introducing-publisher-confirms/) is a RabbitMQ feature that lets publishers keep track of message routing without adding noticeable throughput degradation as it is the case with AMQP 0.9.1 transactions. Bunny `0.9.0.pre3` supports publisher confirms. Publisher confirms are enabled per channel, using the `Bunny::Channel#confirm_select` method. `Bunny::Channel#wait_for_confirms` is a method that blocks current thread until the client gets confirmations for all unconfirmed published messages: ``` ruby ch = connection.create_channel ch.confirm_select ch.using_publisher_confirmations? # => true q = ch.queue("", :exclusive => true) x = ch.default_exchange 5000.times do x.publish("xyzzy", :routing_key => q.name) end ch.next_publish_seq_no.should == 5001 ch.wait_for_confirms # waits until all 5000 published messages are acknowledged by RabbitMQ ``` ### Consumers as Objects It is now possible to register a consumer as an object instead of a block. Consumers that are class instances support cancellation notifications (e.g. when a queue they're registered with is deleted). To support this, Bunny introduces two new methods: `Bunny::Channel#basic_consume_with` and `Bunny::Queue#subscribe_with`, that operate on consumer objects. Objects are supposed to respond to three selectors: * `:handle_delivery` with 3 arguments * `:handle_cancellation` with 1 argument * `:consumer_tag=` with 1 argument An example: ``` ruby class ExampleConsumer < Bunny::Consumer def cancelled? @cancelled end def handle_cancellation(_) @cancelled = true end end # "high-level" API ch1 = connection.create_channel q1 = ch1.queue("", :auto_delete => true) consumer = ExampleConsumer.new(ch1, q) q1.subscribe_with(consumer) # "low-level" API ch2 = connection.create_channel q1 = ch2.queue("", :auto_delete => true) consumer = ExampleConsumer.new(ch2, q) ch2.basic_consume_with.(consumer) ``` ### RABBITMQ_URL ENV variable support If `RABBITMQ_URL` environment variable is set, Bunny will assume it contains a valid amqp URI string and will use it. This is convenient with some PaaS technologies such as Heroku. ## Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.pre1 and 0.9.0.pre2 ### Change Bunny::Queue#pop default for :ack to false It makes more sense for beginners that way. ### Bunny::Queue#subscribe now support the new :block option `Bunny::Queue#subscribe` support the new `:block` option (a boolean). It controls whether the current thread will be blocked by `Bunny::Queue#subscribe`. ### Bunny::Exchange#publish now supports :key again `Bunny::Exchange#publish` now supports `:key` as an alias for `:routing_key`. ### Bunny::Session#queue et al. `Bunny::Session#queue`, `Bunny::Session#direct`, `Bunny::Session#fanout`, `Bunny::Session#topic`, and `Bunny::Session#headers` were added to simplify migration. They all delegate to their respective `Bunny::Channel` methods on the default channel every connection has. ### Bunny::Channel#exchange, Bunny::Session#exchange `Bunny::Channel#exchange` and `Bunny::Session#exchange` were added to simplify migration: ``` ruby b = Bunny.new b.start # uses default connection channel x = b.exchange("logs.events", :topic) ``` ### Bunny::Queue#subscribe now properly takes 3 arguments ``` ruby q.subscribe(:exclusive => false, :ack => false) do |delivery_info, properties, payload| # ... end ``` ## Changes between Bunny 0.8.x and 0.9.0.pre1 ### New convenience functions: Bunny::Channel#fanout, Bunny::Channel#topic `Bunny::Channel#fanout`, `Bunny::Channel#topic`, `Bunny::Channel#direct`, `Bunny::Channel#headers`, and`Bunny::Channel#default_exchange` are new convenience methods to instantiate exchanges: ``` ruby conn = Bunny.new conn.start ch = conn.create_channel x = ch.fanout("logging.events", :durable => true) ``` ### Bunny::Queue#pop and consumer handlers (Bunny::Queue#subscribe) signatures have changed Bunny `< 0.9.x` example: ``` ruby h = queue.pop puts h[:delivery_info], h[:header], h[:payload] ``` Bunny `>= 0.9.x` example: ``` ruby delivery_info, properties, payload = queue.pop ``` The improve is both in that Ruby has positional destructuring, e.g. ``` ruby delivery_info, _, content = q.pop ``` but not hash destructuring, like, say, Clojure does. In addition we return nil for content when it should be nil (basic.get-empty) and unify these arguments betwee * Bunny::Queue#pop * Consumer (Bunny::Queue#subscribe, etc) handlers * Returned message handlers The unification moment was the driving factor. ### Bunny::Client#write now raises Bunny::ConnectionError Bunny::Client#write now raises `Bunny::ConnectionError` instead of `Bunny::ServerDownError` when network I/O operations fail. ### Bunny::Client.create_channel now uses a bitset-based allocator Instead of reusing channel instances, `Bunny::Client.create_channel` now opens new channels and uses bitset-based allocator to keep track of used channel ids. This avoids situations when channels are reused or shared without developer's explicit intent but also work well for long running applications that aggressively open and release channels. This is also how amqp gem and RabbitMQ Java client manage channel ids. ### Bunny::ServerDownError is now Bunny::TCPConnectionFailed `Bunny::ServerDownError` is now an alias for `Bunny::TCPConnectionFailed`