require 'optparse' require 'pattern-match' module Calrom # Parses command line options, produces Config. class OptionParser using PatternMatch class CustomizedOptionParser < ::OptionParser def separator(string) super "\n" + string end end def end def call(argv) config = today = year = today.year month = today.month day = nil another_day = nil range_type = nil opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<~EOS Usage: calrom [options] [arg1 [arg2]] Specifying date range (cal/ncal-compatible): calrom - current month calrom -m 5 - May of the current year calrom -m 5p - May of the previous year calrom -m 5f - May of the following year calrom -m 5 2000 - May 2000 calrom 5 2000 - also May 2000 calrom 2000 - whole year 2000 calrom -y 2000 - also whole year 2000 calrom -y - whole current year Specifying date range (not cal-compatible): calrom 2000-05-31 - specified day (only) calrom 2000-05-31 2000-07-01 - arbitrary date range calrom (--yesterday|--today|--tomorrow) EOS opts.separator 'Configuration files' opts.on('--config=CONFIG', 'load configuration from file (may be used multiple times, all specified files will be loaded)') do |value| config.configs << value end opts.separator 'Options selecting date range' # cal opts.on('-m MONTH', '--month=MONTH', 'display the specified month. \'f\' or \'p\' can be appended to display the same month of the following or previous year respectively') do |value| range_type = :month if value =~ /^(\d+)([pf])$/ month = $1 year = validate_year(year) + ($2 == 'f' ? 1 : -1) else month = value end end # cal opts.on('-y', '--year', 'display specified (or current) year') do |value| range_type = :year end opts.on('--yesterday', 'display previous day') do |value| day = - 1 range_type = :day end opts.on('--today', 'display current day') do |value| day = range_type = :day end opts.on('--tomorrow', 'display following day') do |value| day = + 1 range_type = :day end opts.separator "Options configuring liturgical calendar" opts.on('-c CAL', '--calendar=CAL', 'specify (sanctorale) calendar to use. If repeated, layers all specified calendars one over another') do |value| config.sanctorale << value end locales_help = I18n.available_locales.join(', ') opts.on('--locale=LOCALE', "override language in which temporale celebration titles are rendered (supported: #{locales_help})") do |value| config.locale = value.to_sym end opts.separator 'Options affecting presentation' opts.on('-l', '--list', 'display detailed listing of days and celebrations (synonym to --format=list)') do config.formatter = :list end supported_formats = %i(overview list csv json) formats_help = supported_formats.join(', ') opts.on('--format=FORMAT', supported_formats, "specify output format (supported: #{formats_help})") do |value| config.formatter = value end # cal opts.on('-e', '--easter', 'display date of Easter (only)') do config.formatter = :easter end opts.on('--calendars', 'list bundled calendars') do |value| config.formatter = :calendars end opts.on('--[no-]color', 'enable/disable colours (enabled by default)') do |value| config.colours = value end opts.separator 'Debugging options' # cal opts.on('-d YM', '--current-month=YM', 'use given month (YYYY-MM) as the current month (for debugging of date range selection)') do |value| year, month = value.split '-' end # cal opts.on('-H DATE', '--highlight-date=DATE', 'use given date as the current date (for debugging of highlighting)') do |value| = validate_day value end opts.separator 'Information regarding calrom' opts.on('-V', '--version', 'display calrom version') do puts 'calrom v' + Calrom::VERSION exit end # Normally optparse defines this option by default, but once -H option is added, # for some reason -h (if not defined explicitly) is treated as -H. opts.on('-h', '--help', 'display this help') do puts opts exit end end arguments = opt_parser.parse argv iso_date_regexp = /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})$/ match(arguments) do with(_[iso_date_regexp.(date)]) do range_type = :day day = date end with(_[iso_date_regexp.(date), iso_date_regexp.(another_date)]) do range_type = :free day = date another_day = another_date end with(_[y]) do range_type ||= :year year = y end with(_[m, y]) do range_type = :month month, year = m, y end with([]) {} with(_) do raise'too many arguments') end end config.date_range = build_date_range( range_type, validate_year(year), validate_month(month), day && validate_day(day), another_day && validate_day(another_day) ) config.freeze end protected def validate_year(year) unless year.is_a?(Integer) || year =~ /^\d+$/ raise"not a valid year #{year}") end year.to_i end def validate_month(month) unless month.is_a?(Integer) || (month =~ /^\d+$/ && (1..12).include?(month.to_i)) raise"not a valid month #{month}") end month.to_i end def validate_day(day) return day if day.is_a? Date Date.parse(day) rescue ArgumentError raise"not a valid date #{day}") end def build_date_range(range_type, year, month, day, another_day=nil) range = case range_type when :year when :day when :free, another_day) else, month) end beginning = CR::Calendar::EFFECTIVE_FROM if range.first < beginning raise"implemented calendar system in use only since #{beginning}") end range end end end