module Netzke module Workspace # A component that allows for dynamical loading/unloading of other Netzke components in tabs. # # Call the +loadTab+ method on the client to dynamically load a component: # # workspaceTabPanel.loadTab("UserGrid", {newTab: true}) # # - will load a UserGrid component from the server in a new tab. # # == Client-side methods: # # +loadTab(componentClassName, options)+ - loads a component in a (new or currently active) tab # # * +options+ is an object that may contain the following keys: # * +newTab+ (boolean) - whether to load a component in a newly created tab # * +clientConfig+ (object) - config for the loaded Netzke component # # +closeAllTabs+ - closes all open tabs # # == Security # # By default, this component allows loading any Netzke component as requested from the client (component # class has been sent as a paremeter for the deliver_component endpoint), which may not be secury enough for you. # Override the :tab component to do any proper checks (see an example in the specs app). # class TabPanel < Netzke::Base js_configure do |c| c.extend = "" c.header = false c.mixin end def configure(c) c.tabs = state[:tabs].presence super end component :tab do |c| # this hack is needed because of Netzke::Core's imperfection: it eagerly evaluates all components (even if those # would never be loaded) - and thus, a valid +klass+ is required. if c.client_config.empty? c.klass = Netzke::Core::Panel else c.klass = c.client_config[:klass].constantize end end def update_tab_session_config(c) tabs = state[:tabs] ||= {} if tab_index = c.delete(:tabIndex) tabs[tab_index] = c end end endpoint :server_save_tabs do |params, this| state[:tabs] = params end end end end