context = ChefDK::Generator.context delivery_project_dir = context.delivery_project_dir pipeline = context.pipeline dot_delivery_dir = File.join(delivery_project_dir, ".delivery") generator_desc("Ensuring delivery configuration") directory dot_delivery_dir cookbook_file File.join(dot_delivery_dir, "config.json") do source "delivery-config.json" end # Adding a new prototype file for delivery-cli local commands cookbook_file File.join(dot_delivery_dir, "project.toml") do source "delivery-project.toml" end generator_desc("Ensuring correct delivery build cookbook content") build_cookbook_dir = File.join(dot_delivery_dir, "build_cookbook") # cookbook root dir directory build_cookbook_dir # metadata.rb template "#{build_cookbook_dir}/metadata.rb" do source "build_cookbook/metadata.rb.erb" helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # README cookbook_file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/" do source "build_cookbook/" action :create_if_missing end # LICENSE template "#{build_cookbook_dir}/LICENSE" do source "LICENSE.#{context.license}.erb" helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # chefignore cookbook_file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/chefignore" # Berksfile template "#{build_cookbook_dir}/Berksfile" do source "build_cookbook/Berksfile.erb" helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # Recipes directory "#{build_cookbook_dir}/recipes" %w(default deploy functional lint provision publish quality security smoke syntax unit).each do |phase| template "#{build_cookbook_dir}/recipes/#{phase}.rb" do source 'build_cookbook/recipe.rb.erb' helpers(ChefDK::Generator::TemplateHelper) variables phase: phase action :create_if_missing end end # Test Kitchen build node cookbook_file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/.kitchen.yml" do source "build_cookbook/.kitchen.yml" end directory "#{build_cookbook_dir}/data_bags/keys" do recursive true end file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/data_bags/keys/delivery_builder_keys.json" do content '{"id": "delivery_builder_keys"}' end directory "#{build_cookbook_dir}/secrets" file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/secrets/fakey-mcfakerton" directory "#{build_cookbook_dir}/test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes" do recursive true end file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/metadata.rb" do content %(name 'test' version '0.1.0') end cookbook_file "#{build_cookbook_dir}/test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes/default.rb" do source "build_cookbook/test-fixture-recipe.rb" end # Construct git history as if we did all the work in a feature branch which we # merged into master at the end, which looks like this: # # ``` # git log --graph --oneline # * 5fec5bd Merge branch 'add-delivery-configuration' # |\ # | * 967bb9f Add generated delivery build cookbook # | * 1558e0a Add generated delivery configuration # |/ # * db22790 Add generated cookbook content # ``` # if context.have_git && context.delivery_project_git_initialized && !context.skip_git_init generator_desc("Adding delivery configuration to feature branch") execute("git-create-feature-branch") do command("git checkout -t -b add-delivery-configuration") cwd delivery_project_dir end execute("git-add-delivery-config-json") do command("git add .delivery/config.json") cwd delivery_project_dir only_if "git status --porcelain |grep \".\"" end # Adding the new prototype file to the feature branch # so it gets checked in with the delivery config commit execute("git-add-delivery-project-toml") do command("git add .delivery/project.toml") cwd delivery_project_dir only_if "git status --porcelain |grep \".\"" end execute("git-commit-delivery-config") do command("git commit -m \"Add generated delivery configuration\"") cwd delivery_project_dir only_if "git status --porcelain |grep \".\"" end generator_desc("Adding build cookbook to feature branch") execute("git-add-delivery-build-cookbook-files") do command("git add .delivery") cwd delivery_project_dir only_if "git status --porcelain |grep \".\"" end execute("git-commit-delivery-build-cookbook") do command("git commit -m \"Add generated delivery build cookbook\"") cwd delivery_project_dir only_if "git status --porcelain |grep \".\"" end execute("git-return-to-#{pipeline}-branch") do command("git checkout #{pipeline}") cwd delivery_project_dir end generator_desc("Merging delivery content feature branch to master") execute("git-merge-delivery-config-branch") do command("git merge --no-ff add-delivery-configuration") cwd delivery_project_dir end execute("git-remove-delivery-config-branch") do command("git branch -D add-delivery-configuration") cwd delivery_project_dir end end