module Workarea module Navigation class Taxon include ApplicationDocument include Mongoid::Tree include Mongoid::Tree::Ordering include Mongoid::Tree::Traversal field :name, type: String, localize: true field :navigable_slug, type: String field :url, type: String field :children_count, type: Integer, default: 0 index({ navigable_slug: 1 }) index({ navigable_id: 1 }) index({ url: 1 }) # redefine to add the counter cache belongs_to :parent, class_name:, inverse_of: :children, index: true, validate: false, counter_cache: :children_count, optional: true # a root will not have a parent belongs_to :navigable, inverse_of: :taxon, polymorphic: true, touch: true, index: true, optional: true scope :highest, -> { order_by(:depth.asc) } validates :name, presence: true validates :navigable, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true } before_validation :set_parent before_validation { |l| TaxonCache.set(l) } after_rearrange :update_children_count before_destroy :validate_not_in_menu before_destroy :destroy_children def self.root super || begin taxon = new( name: I18n.t('workarea.storefront.layouts.home'), url: Storefront::Engine.routes.url_helpers.root_path ) taxon.instance_variable_set(:@allow_root, true) taxon.tap(&:save!) end end # Whether this taxon has any children. Uses the counter cache # defined in #children_count. This method exists only as a # performance improvement over the `taxon.children.any?`. # # @return [Boolean] # def has_children? children_count > 0 end def move_to_position(new_position) new_position = new_position.to_i if new_position == 0 move_to_top elsif sibling = siblings.find_by(position: new_position) rescue nil move_above(sibling) else move_to_bottom end end def url? url.present? end def placeholder? !navigable? && !url? end def navigable? navigable_id.present? end def resource_name if placeholder? 'placeholder' elsif url? 'url' else navigable_type.constantize.model_name.element end ) end def menu Menu.where(taxon_id: id).first end def in_menu? menu.present? end # Whether this taxon should be shown in the storefront, dependent on # it's navigable being active. # # @return [Boolean] # def active? !navigable? || !navigable.respond_to?(:active?) || end def touch navigable.touch if navigable.present? super end def search_results? navigable.is_a?(SearchResults) end private def set_parent if parent.blank? && !@allow_root self.parent = self.class.root rearrange end end def update_children_count self.children_count = children.count end def validate_not_in_menu if in_menu? errors.add(:base, "You cannot delete taxonomy that's in primary navigation") throw :abort end end end end end