require "redis" puts <<-EOS To play with this example use redis-cli from another terminal, like this: $ redis-cli publish one hello Finally force the example to exit sending the 'exit' message with: $ redis-cli publish two exit EOS redis = trap(:INT) { puts; exit } begin redis.subscribe(:one, :two) do |on| on.subscribe do |channel, subscriptions| puts "Subscribed to ##{channel} (#{subscriptions} subscriptions)" end on.message do |channel, message| puts "##{channel}: #{message}" redis.unsubscribe if message == "exit" end on.unsubscribe do |channel, subscriptions| puts "Unsubscribed from ##{channel} (#{subscriptions} subscriptions)" end end rescue Redis::BaseConnectionError => error puts "#{error}, retrying in 1s" sleep 1 retry end