use lazy_static::lazy_static; use rutie as r; use rutie::rubysys; use rutie::{ class, methods, wrappable_struct, AnyObject, Array, Float, Hash, Integer, Module, NilClass, Object, RString, Symbol, }; use std::mem; use wasmtime as w; use crate::ruby_type::RubyType; use crate::vm::raise; pub struct Func { func: w::Func, } impl Func { pub fn new(func: w::Func) -> Self { Func { func } } pub fn call(&mut self, args: &[w::Val]) -> Vec {"failed to call func").to_vec() } fn parse_param_types(&self) -> Vec { self.func .ty() .params() .iter() .map(|val_type| val_type.into()) .collect() } fn parse_result_type(&self) -> RubyType { match self.func.ty().results().len() { 0 => RubyType::NilClass, 1 => self.func.ty().results().first().unwrap().into(), _ => raise("StandardError", "multiple return values are not supported"), } } } fn translate_incoming(args: Array, param_types: &[RubyType]) -> Vec { if args.length() != param_types.len() { raise( "ArgumentError", &format!( "wrong number of arguments (given {}, expected {})", args.length(), param_types.len() ), ) } args.into_iter() .zip(param_types) .map(|(arg, param_type)| match param_type { RubyType::Integer32 => w::Val::I32( arg.try_convert_to::() .expect("failed to convert integer") .to_i32(), ), RubyType::Integer64 => w::Val::I64( arg.try_convert_to::() .expect("failed to convert integer") .to_i64(), ), RubyType::Float32 => w::Val::F32( (arg.try_convert_to::() .expect("failed to convert float") .to_f64() as f32) .to_bits(), ), RubyType::Float64 => w::Val::F64( arg.try_convert_to::() .expect("failed to convert float") .to_f64() .to_bits(), ), RubyType::NilClass | RubyType::Unsupported => raise( "StandardError", &format!("unsupported arg type: {:?}", param_type), ), }) .collect() } fn translate_outgoing(native_results: Vec) -> AnyObject { let results: Vec = native_results .into_iter() .map(|r| match r { w::Val::I32(v) => Integer::new(v.into()).into(), w::Val::I64(v) => Integer::new(v).into(), w::Val::F32(v) => Float::new(f32::from_bits(v).into()).into(), w::Val::F64(v) => Float::new(f64::from_bits(v)).into(), _ => raise("StandardError", &format!("unsupported value: {:?}", r)), }) .collect(); match results.len() { 0 => NilClass::new().into(), 1 => results.first().unwrap().into(), _ => raise("StandardError", "multiple return values are not supported"), } } wrappable_struct!(Func, FuncWrapper, FUNC_WRAPPER); class!(RubyFunc); impl From for RubyFunc { fn from(func: Func) -> Self { Module::from_existing("Wasmtime") .get_nested_class("Func") .wrap_data(func, &*FUNC_WRAPPER) } } #[rustfmt::skip] methods!( RubyFunc, itself, fn ruby_func_signature() -> Hash { let func = itself.get_data(&*FUNC_WRAPPER); let mut param_types = Array::new(); for param_type in func.parse_param_types().iter() { param_types.push(RString::new_utf8(&format!("{:?}", param_type))); } let result_type: AnyObject = func.parse_result_type().into(); let mut signature = Hash::new();"params"), param_types);"result"), result_type); signature } ); pub extern "C" fn ruby_func_call( argc: r::types::Argc, argv: *const AnyObject, mut itself: AnyObject, ) -> AnyObject { // TODO: Remove this section when rutie `methods!` macro has support for variadic functions // let args_raw = r::types::Value::from(0); unsafe { let p_argv: *const r::types::Value = mem::transmute(argv); rubysys::class::rb_scan_args( argc, p_argv, r::util::str_to_cstring("*").as_ptr(), &args_raw, ) }; let args = Array::from(args_raw); // --- let func = itself.get_data_mut(&*FUNC_WRAPPER); let args_native = translate_incoming(args, &func.parse_param_types()); let results_native =[..]); translate_outgoing(results_native) } pub fn ruby_init() { Module::from_existing("Wasmtime").define(|module| { module.define_nested_class("Func", None).define(|class| { class.def("signature", ruby_func_signature); class.def("call", ruby_func_call); }); }); }