Version 0.0.14 / 2018-1-23 * Fixes * Updated 'xml_to_yaml_file' exe to clean up YAML more. No more array for Hash value. Indenting needs work though. Now it's more like something you can read and pass into Savon request. Version 0.0.13 / 2018-1-23 * Enhancements * Executable to create xml file from yaml Version 0.0.12 / 2018/1-22 * Enhancements * Example name added to log file Version 0.0.10 / 2018-1-21 * Enhancements * Added [] method to perform xpath assertion * Using Savon xpath. No need to explicitly provide namespace for xpath Version 0.0.9 / 2018-1-20 * Refactoring * class_options -> savon_options - More specific * default_operation -> operation - Not default anymore so better not in name * Enhancements * Made mandatory_xpath_values method to add to 'success scenarios' shared example Version 0.0.8 / 2018-1-19 * Enhancements * Added root_attributes method to add attribute to the root class Version 0.0.7 / 2018-1-19 * Enhancements * Added contain_key matcher * mandatory_elements method created for SoapHandler - can be used to add tests to success scenarios (see example get_weather_web_service class for details)