{ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "type" : "object", "title" : "customer", "description" : "A customer object", "required" : [ "email", "password", "adr_mobile" ], "properties" : { "id" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/id" }, "email" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/email" }, "first_name" : { "description" : "The given name of the customer", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "additional_first_name" : { "description" : "The additional given name of the customer", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "last_name" : { "description" : "The family name of the customer", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "maiden_name" : { "description" : "Name at birth, maiden name.", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "password" : { "description" : "Password for accessing your account later. You can use lower and upper case letters, digits and special characters", "type" : ["string", "null"], "minLength" : 6, "maxLength" : 128, "pattern" : "^[0-9a-zA-Z!\"#$%&'()*+,-=./:;?@\\[\\]<>^_`{|}~]+$" }, "legal" : { "description" : "Legal requirements that have to be accepted", "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "object", "$ref" : "./legal.json#" } }, "gender" : { "description" : "The gender of the customer", "enum" : [ "m", "f" ], "type" : "string" }, "title" : { "description" : "Salutation: 1 - Mr., 2 - Ms., 3 - Mr. Dr., 4 - Ms. Dr.", "enum" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "type" : "integer" }, "nick" : { "description" : "Nickname used in community.", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 40, "minLength" : 2 }, "occupation" : { "description" : "Customer's current occupation: 1 - employee, 2 - executive, 3 - self-employed, 4 - freelancer, 5 - student, 6 - trainee, 7 - retired, 8 - privatier, 9 - unemployed", "enum" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ], "type" : "integer" }, "adr_street" : { "description" : "Address street", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 100 }, "adr_street_number" : { "description" : "Address street number", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 10 }, "adr_post_code" : { "description" : "Address post code", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 10 }, "adr_city" : { "description" : "Address City", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 100 }, "adr_country" : { "description" : "Address Country", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 100 }, "adr_phone" : { "description" : "Phone home", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "adr_mobile" : { "description" : "Phone mobile", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "adr_fax" : { "description" : "Phone fax", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "adr_businessphone" : { "description" : "Phone business", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 30 }, "birthday" : { "description" : "Date of birth", "type" : "string", "format" : "date-time" }, "birthplace" : { "description" : "Place of birth", "type" : "string", "maxLength" : 100 }, "is_verified" : { "description" : "Indicates whether KYC has been performed.", "type" : "boolean", "readOnly" : true }, "nationality" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/country" }, "marital_status" : { "description" : "1: single, 2: married, 3: widowed, 4: divorced, 5: seperated, 6: de facto", "enum" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "type" : "integer" }, "religion" : { "description" : "Denomination for tax reasons. 0: no information, 1: no denomination, 2: Protestant, 3: Roman-Catholic, 4-18: Other denominations", "enum" : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ], "type" : "integer" }, "id_card_registration_city" : { "description" : "City where the id card is registered.", "type" : ["string", "null"] }, "id_card_number" : { "description" : "ID card number", "type" : ["string", "null"] }, "id_card_valid_until" : { "description" : "Expiration date of id card", "format" : "date-time", "type" : ["string", "null"] }, "newsletter" : { "description" : "Indicates whether customer has agreed to receiving newsletter or not", "type" : "boolean" }, "affiliate_uid" : { "description" : "Indicates the attachment of the customer to a certain affiliate", "type" : ["string", "null"] }, "created_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/created_at" }, "updated_at" : { "$ref" : "./base_types/base_types.json#definitions/updated_at" } }, "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "customers/{id}" }, { "rel" : "instances", "href" : "customers" }, { "rel" : "accounts", "href" : "customers/{id}/accounts" }, { "rel" : "confirmations", "href" : "customers/{id}/confirmations" }, { "rel" : "create", "href" : "customers", "method" : "POST", "description" : "Creates a customer" }, { "rel" : "update", "href" : "customers/{id}", "method" : "PUT", "description" : "Updates customer data" } ] }