# OpenTelemetry Net::HTTP Instrumentation The OpenTelemetry Net::HTTP Ruby gem is a community maintained instrumentation for [Net::HTTP][net-http-home]. ## How do I get started? Install the gem using: ``` gem install opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http ``` Or, if you use [bundler][bundler-home], include `opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http` in your `Gemfile`. ## Usage To install the instrumentation, call `use` with the name of the instrumentation. ```ruby OpenTelemetry::SDK.configure do |c| c.use 'OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Net::HTTP' end ``` Alternatively, you can also call `use_all` to install all the available instrumentation. ```ruby OpenTelemetry::SDK.configure do |c| c.use_all end ``` ## Example An example of usage can be seen in [`example/net_http.rb`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby/blob/master/instrumentation/net_http/example/net_http.rb). ## How can I get involved? The `opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http` gem source is [on github][repo-github], along with related gems including `opentelemetry-api` and `opentelemetry-sdk`. The OpenTelemetry Ruby gems are maintained by the OpenTelemetry-Ruby special interest group (SIG). You can get involved by joining us on our [gitter channel][ruby-gitter] or attending our weekly meeting. See the [meeting calendar][community-meetings] for dates and times. For more information on this and other language SIGs, see the OpenTelemetry [community page][ruby-sig]. ## License Apache 2.0 license. See [LICENSE][license-github] for more information. [net-http-home]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.0.0/Net/HTTP.html [bundler-home]: https://bundler.io [repo-github]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby [license-github]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE [ruby-sig]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/community#ruby-sig [community-meetings]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/community#community-meetings [ruby-gitter]: https://gitter.im/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby