// diStorm64 library sample // http://ragestorm.net/distorm/ // Arkon, Stefan, 2005 #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "../../include/distorm.h" // Link the library into our project. #pragma comment(lib, "../../distorm.lib") // The number of the array of instructions the decoder function will use to return the disassembled instructions. // Play with this value for performance... #define MAX_INSTRUCTIONS (1000) int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Version of used compiled library. unsigned long dver = 0; // Holds the result of the decoding. _DecodeResult res; // Decoded instruction information. _DecodedInst decodedInstructions[MAX_INSTRUCTIONS]; // next is used for instruction's offset synchronization. // decodedInstructionsCount holds the count of filled instructions' array by the decoder. unsigned int decodedInstructionsCount = 0, i, next; // Default decoding mode is 32 bits, could be set by command line. _DecodeType dt = Decode32Bits; // Default offset for buffer is 0, could be set in command line. _OffsetType offset = 0; char* errch = NULL; // Index to file name in argv. int param = 1; // Handling file. HANDLE file; DWORD filesize, bytesread; // Buffer to disassemble. unsigned char *buf, *buf2; // Disassembler version. dver = distorm_version(); printf("diStorm version: %d.%d.%d\n", (dver >> 16), ((dver) >> 8) & 0xff, dver & 0xff); // Check params. if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) { printf("Usage: disasm.exe [-b16] [-b64] filename [memory offset]\r\nRaw disassembler output.\r\nMemory offset is origin of binary file in memory (address in hex).\r\nDefault decoding mode is -b32.\r\nexample: disasm -b16 demo.com 789a\r\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(argv[param], "-b16", 4) == 0) { dt = Decode16Bits; param++; } else if (strncmp(argv[param], "-b64", 4) == 0) { dt = Decode64Bits; param++; } else if (*argv[param] == '-') { printf("Decoding mode size isn't specified!"); return -1; } else if (argc == 4) { printf("Too many parameters are set."); return -1; } if (param >= argc) { printf("Filename is missing."); return -1; } if (param + 1 == argc-1) { // extra param? #ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET offset = _strtoui64(argv[param + 1], &errch, 16); #else offset = strtoul(argv[param + 1], &errch, 16); #endif if (*errch != '\0') { printf("Offset couldn't be converted."); return -1; } } file = CreateFile(argv[param], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Could not open file %s (error %d)\n", argv[param], GetLastError()); return -2; } if ((filesize = GetFileSize(file, NULL)) < 0) { printf("Error getting filesize (error %d)\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(file); return -3; } // We read the whole file into memory in order to make life easier, // otherwise we would have to synchronize the code buffer as well (so instructions won't be split). buf2 = buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(filesize); if (!ReadFile(file, buf, filesize, &bytesread, NULL)) { printf("Error reading file (error %d)\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(file); free(buf); return -3; } if (filesize != bytesread) { printf("Internal read-error in system\n"); CloseHandle(file); free(buf); return -3; } CloseHandle(file); printf("bits: %d\nfilename: %s\norigin: ", dt == Decode16Bits ? 16 : dt == Decode32Bits ? 32 : 64, argv[param]); #ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET if (dt != Decode64Bits) printf("%08I64x\n", offset); else printf("%016I64x\n", offset); #else printf("%08x\n", offset); #endif // Decode the buffer at given offset (virtual address). while (1) { // If you get an unresolved external symbol linker error for the following line, // change the SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET in distorm.h. res = distorm_decode(offset, (const unsigned char*)buf, filesize, dt, decodedInstructions, MAX_INSTRUCTIONS, &decodedInstructionsCount); if (res == DECRES_INPUTERR) { // Null buffer? Decode type not 16/32/64? printf("Input error, halting!"); free(buf2); return -4; } for (i = 0; i < decodedInstructionsCount; i++) { #ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET printf("%0*I64x (%02d) %-24s %s%s%s\n", dt != Decode64Bits ? 8 : 16, decodedInstructions[i].offset, decodedInstructions[i].size, (char*)decodedInstructions[i].instructionHex.p, (char*)decodedInstructions[i].mnemonic.p, decodedInstructions[i].operands.length != 0 ? " " : "", (char*)decodedInstructions[i].operands.p); #else printf("%08x (%02d) %-24s %s%s%s\n", decodedInstructions[i].offset, decodedInstructions[i].size, (char*)decodedInstructions[i].instructionHex.p, (char*)decodedInstructions[i].mnemonic.p, decodedInstructions[i].operands.length != 0 ? " " : "", (char*)decodedInstructions[i].operands.p); #endif } if (res == DECRES_SUCCESS) break; // All instructions were decoded. else if (decodedInstructionsCount == 0) break; // Synchronize: next = (unsigned long)(decodedInstructions[decodedInstructionsCount-1].offset - offset); next += decodedInstructions[decodedInstructionsCount-1].size; // Advance ptr and recalc offset. buf += next; filesize -= next; offset += next; } // Release buffer free(buf2); return 0; }