require "isodoc" require "metanorma-iso" module IsoDoc module JIS module BaseConvert def middle_title(_isoxml, out) middle_title_hdr(out) middle_title_main(out, "zzSTDTitle1") middle_subtitle_main(out) # middle_title_amd(out) end def middle_title_hdr(out) out.p(class: "JapaneseIndustrialStandard") do |p| p << @i18n.jis @meta.get[:unpublished] and p << @i18n.l10n("(#{@i18n.draft_label})") insert_tab(p, 7) p << "JIS" end out.p(class: "StandardNumber") do |p| insert_tab(p, 1) p << @meta.get[:docnumber_undated] if yr = @meta.get[:docyear] p << ": " p << "#{yr}" end end out.p(class: "IDT") end def middle_title_main(out, style) out.p(class: style) do |p| p << @meta.get[:doctitleintro] p << " — " if @meta.get[:doctitleintro] && @meta.get[:doctitlemain] p << @meta.get[:doctitlemain] p << " — " if @meta.get[:doctitlemain] && @meta.get[:doctitlepart] end a = @meta.get[:doctitlepart] and out.p(class: "zzSTDTitle1") do |p| b = @meta.get[:doctitlepartlabel] and p << "#{b}: " p << "
#{a}" end end def middle_subtitle_main(out) @meta.get[:docsubtitlemain] or return out.p(class: "zzSTDTitle2") do |p| p << @meta.get[:docsubtitleintro] p << " — " if @meta.get[:docsubtitleintro] && @meta.get[:docsubtitlemain] p << @meta.get[:docsubtitlemain] p << " — " if @meta.get[:docsubtitlemain] && @meta.get[:docsubtitlepart] end a = @meta.get[:docsubtitlepart] and out.p(class: "zzSTDTitle2") do |p| b = @meta.get[:docsubtitlepartlabel] and p << "#{b}: " p << "
#{a}" end end def commentary_title(_isoxml, out) commentary_title_hdr(out) middle_title_main(out, "CommentaryStandardName") end def commentary_title_hdr(out) out.p(class: "CommentaryStandardNumber") do |p| p << "JIS #{@meta.get[:docnumber_undated]}" if yr = @meta.get[:docyear] p << ": " p << "#{yr}" end end end def termnote_parse(node, out) name ="./name"))&.remove out.div **note_attrs(node) do |div| div.p do |p| if name p.span class: "note_label" do |s| name.children.each { |n| parse(n, s) } end p << termnote_delim end para_then_remainder(node.first_element_child, node, p, div) end end end def admonition_name_parse(_node, div, name) div.span class: "note_label" do |s| name.children.each { |n| parse(n, s) } s << " — " end end def para_class(node) super || node["class"] end def make_tr_attr(cell, row, totalrows, header, bordered) cell["border"] == "0" and bordered = false super end def middle(isoxml, out) middle_title(isoxml, out) middle_admonitions(isoxml, out) i ="//sections/introduction")) and introduction i, out scope isoxml, out, 0 norm_ref isoxml, out, 0 clause_etc isoxml, out, 0 annex isoxml, out bibliography isoxml, out commentary isoxml, out indexsect isoxml, out end def annex(isoxml, out) amd(isoxml) and @suppressheadingnumbers = @oldsuppressheadingnumbers isoxml.xpath(ns("//annex[not(@commentary = 'true')]")).each do |c| page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(annex_attrs(c)) do |s| c.elements.each do |c1| if == "title" then annex_name(c, c1, s) else parse(c1, s) end end end end amd(isoxml) and @suppressheadingnumbers = true end def commentary(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//annex[@commentary = 'true']")).each do |c| page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(annex_attrs(c)) do |s| c.elements.each do |c1| if == "title" then annex_name(c, c1, s) else parse(c1, s) end end end end end end end end