module Perl module FFILib def self.included(klass) klass.instance_eval do require 'perl/internal' extend FFI::Library klass.ffi_lib Perl::FFILib::shlib # PERL_SYS_INIT3() attach_function 'Perl_sys_init3', [:int, :pointer, :pointer], :void # PERL_SYS_TERM() attach_function 'Perl_sys_term', [], :void klass.attach_function 'perl_alloc', [], :pointer attach_function 'perl_construct', [:pointer], :void # PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; attach_function 'perl_parse', [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer], :void attach_function 'perl_run', [:pointer], :void attach_function 'perl_destruct', [:pointer], :void attach_function 'perl_free', [:pointer], :void # eval_pv() attach_function 'Perl_eval_pv', [:pointer, :string, :int], :pointer # call_pv() attach_function 'Perl_call_pv', [:pointer, :string, :int], :int # call_sv() attach_function 'Perl_call_sv', [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :int # ENTER() attach_function 'Perl_push_scope', [:pointer], :void # SAVETMPS() attach_function 'Perl_save_int', [:pointer, :pointer], :void # FREETMPS() attach_function 'Perl_free_tmps', [:pointer], :void # LEAVE() attach_function 'Perl_pop_scope', [:pointer], :void # PUSHMARK() attach_function 'Perl_markstack_grow', [:pointer], :void # newSV() attach_function 'Perl_newSVpv', [:pointer, :string, :int], :pointer attach_function 'Perl_newRV_noinc', [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function 'Perl_sv_2mortal', [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function 'Perl_newHV', [:pointer], :pointer # hv_store() attach_function 'Perl_hv_common_key_len', [:pointer, :pointer, :string, :int32, :int, :pointer, :uint32], :pointer attach_variable 'PL_curinterp', :pointer # # Returns a reference to internal information on the current # interpreter. Much of the public Perl API is in fact a thin # wrapper over data contained in here. A lot of damage can be # done my manipulating it incorrectly, so be careful. # def curinterp end end end private def self.archlib `perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{archlib}'` end def self.so_ext `perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{so}'` end def self.shlib "#{archlib}/CORE/libperl.#{so_ext}" end end end