# File: steps.rb # Step definitions for a sample Cucumber application Given(/^the catalogue is empty$/) do $store.zap_catalogue!() end Given(/^I add the video "(.*?)" to the catalogue$/) do |a_title| $store.add_video(a_title) end Then(/^I should see the video "(.*?)" as unknown$/) do |a_title| expect($store.search_video(a_title)).to be_nil end Then(/^I should see the video "(.*?)" as (available)$/) do |a_title, a_state| found_video = $store.search_video(a_title) expect(found_video.state).to eq(a_state.to_sym) end When(/^I remove the video "(.*?)"$/) do |a_title| found_video = $store.search_video(a_title) expect(found_video).not_to be_nil expect(found_video.state).to eq(:available) $store.remove_video(found_video) end Given(/^there is no member yet$/) do $store.send(:zap_members!) # Why is this method seen as private? end Then(/^I should see member "(.*?)" as unknown$/) do |member_name| expect($store.search_member(member_name)).to be_nil end Then(/^I should see member "(.*?)" as registered$/) do |member_name| expect($store.search_member(member_name)).not_to be_nil puts "Member #{member_name} is registered." end Given(/^I subscribe "(.*?)"$/) do |member_name| $store.add_member(member_name) end Given(/^there is no registered user$/) do $store.zap_users! end When(/^I enter the credentials "(.*?)"$/) do |credential| @entered_credential = credential end Then(/^I should not be authorized$/) do expect($store.search_user(@entered_credential)).to be_nil puts "Invalid user credential" end When(/^I register my credentials "(.*?)"$/) do |credential| $store.add_user(credential) end Then(/^I should see a welcome message$/) do expect($store.search_user(@entered_credential)).not_to be_nil puts "Welcome to the rental application." end When(/^I register the rental of "(.*?)" for "(.*?)"$/) do |a_title, member_name| found_video = $store.search_video(a_title) expect(found_video).not_to be_nil expect(found_video.state).to eq(:available) member = $store.search_member(member_name) expect(member).not_to be_nil $store.add_rental(found_video, member) @confirm_rental = true end Then(/^I should see the rental confirmed$/) do puts "Rental registered." if @confirm_rental @confirm_rental = nil end Then(/^I should see the rental refused$/) do puts "Rental refused." unless @confirm_rental end When(/^I register the return of "(.*?)" from "(.*?)"$/) do |a_title, member_name| rental = $store.search_rental(a_title) expect(rental).not_to be_nil expect(rental.member).to eq(member_name) $store.close_rental(rental) @confirm_return = true end Then(/^I should see the return confirmed$/) do puts "Return registered." if @confirm_return @confirm_return = nil end # End of file