-- This file is autogenerated by the Rail schema generator, using -- the schema defined in db/migration/*.rb -- -- Do not edit this file. Instead, add a new migration using -- ./script/generate migration , and then run -- ./script/generate schema -- tables CREATE TABLE articles_categories ( [article_id] int, [category_id] int, [is_primary] int ); CREATE TABLE articles_tags ( [article_id] int, [tag_id] int ); CREATE TABLE blacklist_patterns ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [type] varchar(255), [pattern] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE blogs ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [settings] text ); CREATE TABLE categories ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [name] varchar(255), [position] int, [permalink] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE contents ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [type] varchar(255), [title] varchar(255), [author] varchar(255), [body] text, [body_html] text, [extended] text, [excerpt] text, [keywords] varchar(255), [created_at] datetime, [updated_at] datetime, [extended_html] text, [user_id] int, [permalink] varchar(255), [guid] varchar(255), [text_filter_id] int, [whiteboard] text, [article_id] int, [email] varchar(255), [url] varchar(255), [ip] varchar(40), [blog_name] varchar(255), [name] varchar(255), [comments_count] int, [trackbacks_count] int, [published] bit DEFAULT 0, [allow_pings] bit, [allow_comments] bit, [blog_id] int NOT NULL, [published_at] datetime ); CREATE TABLE notifications ( [notify_user_id] int, [notify_content_id] int, [created_at] datetime, [updated_at] datetime ); CREATE TABLE page_caches ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [name] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE pings ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [article_id] int, [url] varchar(255), [created_at] datetime ); CREATE TABLE redirects ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [from_path] varchar(255), [to_path] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE resources ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [size] int, [filename] varchar(255), [mime] varchar(255), [created_at] datetime, [updated_at] datetime, [article_id] int, [itunes_metadata] bit, [itunes_author] varchar(255), [itunes_subtitle] varchar(255), [itunes_duration] int, [itunes_summary] text, [itunes_keywords] varchar(255), [itunes_category] varchar(255), [itunes_explicit] bit ); CREATE TABLE sessions ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [sessid] varchar(255), [data] text, [created_at] datetime, [updated_at] datetime ); CREATE TABLE sidebars ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [controller] varchar(255), [active_position] int, [config] text, [staged_position] int ); CREATE TABLE tags ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [name] varchar(255), [created_at] datetime, [updated_at] datetime, [display_name] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE text_filters ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [name] varchar(255), [description] varchar(255), [markup] varchar(255), [filters] text, [params] text ); CREATE TABLE triggers ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [pending_item_id] int, [pending_item_type] varchar(255), [due_at] datetime, [trigger_method] varchar(255) ); CREATE TABLE users ( [id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, [login] varchar(255), [password] varchar(255), [email] text, [name] text, [notify_via_email] bit, [notify_on_new_articles] bit, [notify_on_comments] bit, [notify_watch_my_articles] bit, [notify_via_jabber] bit, [jabber] varchar(255) ); -- indexes CREATE INDEX [blacklist_patterns_pattern_index] ON blacklist_patterns ([pattern]); CREATE INDEX [categories_permalink_index] ON categories ([permalink]); CREATE INDEX [contents_blog_id_index] ON contents ([blog_id]); CREATE INDEX [contents_article_id_index] ON contents ([article_id]); CREATE INDEX [page_caches_name_index] ON page_caches ([name]); CREATE INDEX [pings_article_id_index] ON pings ([article_id]); CREATE INDEX [sessions_sessid_index] ON sessions ([sessid]); -- data INSERT INTO sidebars ([config], [staged_position], [active_position], [controller]) VALUES(NULL, NULL, 0, 'category'); INSERT INTO sidebars ([config], [staged_position], [active_position], [controller]) VALUES(NULL, NULL, 1, 'static'); INSERT INTO sidebars ([config], [staged_position], [active_position], [controller]) VALUES(NULL, NULL, 2, 'xml'); INSERT INTO text_filters ([name], [filters], [description], [params], [markup]) VALUES('none', '--- [] ', 'None', '--- {} ', 'none'); INSERT INTO text_filters ([name], [filters], [description], [params], [markup]) VALUES('markdown', '--- [] ', 'Markdown', '--- {} ', 'markdown'); INSERT INTO text_filters ([name], [filters], [description], [params], [markup]) VALUES('smartypants', '--- - :smartypants ', 'SmartyPants', '--- {} ', 'none'); INSERT INTO text_filters ([name], [filters], [description], [params], [markup]) VALUES('markdown smartypants', '--- - :smartypants ', 'Markdown with SmartyPants', '--- {} ', 'markdown'); INSERT INTO text_filters ([name], [filters], [description], [params], [markup]) VALUES('textile', '--- [] ', 'Textile', '--- {} ', 'textile'); -- schema version meta-info CREATE TABLE schema_info ( [version] int ); insert into schema_info (version) values (46);