require 'cgi' NET_CONNECT_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR = /You can use VCR to automatically record this request and replay it later/ shared_examples_for "an http library" do |library, supported_request_match_attributes, *other| unless adapter_module = HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS[library] raise"No http library adapter module could be found for #{library}") end describe "using #{adapter_module.http_library_name}", :unless => (RUBY_INTERPRETER != :mri && library =~ /(typhoeus|curb|patron|em-http)/) do include adapter_module # Necessary for ruby 1.9.2. On 1.9.2 we get an error when we use super, # so this gives us another alias we can use for the original method. alias make_request make_http_request describe 'making an HTTP request' do let(:status) {, 'OK') } let(:interaction) {, response) } let(:response_body) { "The response body" } let(:match_requests_on) { [:method, :uri] } let(:record_mode) { :none } before(:each) do subject.stub_requests([interaction], match_requests_on) end context "when the the stubbed request and response has no headers" do let(:request) {, '') } let(:response) {, nil, response_body, '1.1') } it 'returns the response for a matching request' do get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should == response_body end end def self.test_url(description, url) context "when a URL #{description} has been stubbed" do let(:request) {, url) } let(:response) {, nil, response_body, '1.1') } def should_be_pending? return false unless described_class == VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::WebMock return false unless request.uri.include?(CGI.escape('&')) self.class.included_modules.first.http_library_name == 'EM HTTP Request' end it 'returns the expected response for the same request' do pending "WebMock/EM-HTTP bug", :if => should_be_pending? do get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, url)).should == response_body end end end end test_url "that has query params", "" test_url "with spaces encoded as +", "" test_url "with spaces encoded as %20", "" test_url "with an encoded ampersand", "{CGI.escape("Q&A")}" test_url "with a complex escaped query param", "{CGI.escape("A&(! 234k !@ kasdj232\#$ kjw35")}" end describe '.stub_requests using specific match_attributes' do before(:each) { subject.http_connections_allowed = false } let(:interactions) { VCR::YAML.load_file(File.join(VCR::SPEC_ROOT, 'fixtures', YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION, 'match_requests_on.yml')) } @supported_request_match_attributes = supported_request_match_attributes def self.matching_on(attribute, valid, invalid, &block) supported_request_match_attributes = @supported_request_match_attributes describe ":#{attribute}" do let(:perform_stubbing) { subject.stub_requests(interactions, match_requests_on) } let(:match_requests_on) { [attribute] } let(:record_mode) { :none } if supported_request_match_attributes.include?(attribute) before(:each) { perform_stubbing } module_eval(&block) valid.each do |val, response| it "returns the expected response for a #{val.inspect} request" do get_body_string(make_http_request(val)).should == response end end it "raises an error for a request with a different #{attribute}" do expect { make_http_request(invalid) }.to raise_error(NET_CONNECT_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR) end else it 'raises an error indicating matching requests on this attribute is not supported' do expect { perform_stubbing }.to raise_error(/does not support matching requests on #{attribute}/) end end end end matching_on :method, { :get => "get method response", :post => "post method response" }, :put do def make_http_request(http_method) make_request(http_method, '', nil, {}) end end matching_on :host, { '' => ' host response', '' => ' host response' }, '' do def make_http_request(host) make_request(:get, "http://#{host}/some/wrong/path", nil, {}) end end matching_on :path, { '/path1' => 'path1 response', '/path2' => 'path2 response' }, '/path3' do def make_http_request(path) make_request(:get, "{path}?p=q", nil, {}) end end matching_on :uri, { '' => 'uri1 response', '' => 'uri2 response' }, '' do def make_http_request(uri) make_request(:get, uri, nil, {}) end end matching_on :body, { 'param=val1' => 'val1 body response', 'param=val2' => 'val2 body response' }, 'param=val3' do def make_http_request(body) make_request(:put, "", body, {}) end end matching_on :headers, {{ 'X-HTTP-HEADER1' => 'val1' } => 'val1 header response', { 'X-HTTP-HEADER1' => 'val2' } => 'val2 header response' }, { 'X-HTTP-HEADER1' => 'val3' } do def make_http_request(headers) make_request(:get, "", nil, headers) end end end def self.test_real_http_request(http_allowed, *other) let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{VCR::SinatraApp.port}/foo" } if http_allowed it 'allows real http requests' do get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, url)).should == 'FOO!' end describe 'recording new http requests' do let(:recorded_interaction) do interaction = nil VCR.should_receive(:record_http_interaction) { |i| interaction = i } make_http_request(:get, url) interaction end it 'does not record the request if the adapter is disabled' do subject.stub(:enabled?).and_return(false) VCR.should_not_receive(:record_http_interaction) make_http_request(:get, url) end it 'records the request uri' do recorded_interaction.request.uri.should == url end it 'records the request method' do recorded_interaction.request.method.should == :get end it 'records the request body' do recorded_interaction.request.body.should be_nil end it 'records the request headers' do recorded_interaction.request.headers.should be_nil end it 'records the response status code' do recorded_interaction.response.status.code.should == 200 end it 'records the response status message' do recorded_interaction.response.status.message.should == 'OK' end unless other.include?(:status_message_not_exposed) it 'records the response body' do recorded_interaction.response.body.should == 'FOO!' end it 'records the response headers' do recorded_interaction.response.headers['content-type'].should == ["text/html;charset=utf-8"] end end else let(:record_mode) { :none } it 'does not allow real HTTP requests or record them' do VCR.should_receive(:record_http_interaction).never expect { make_http_request(:get, url) }.to raise_error(NET_CONNECT_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR) end end end def test_request_stubbed(method, url, expected) subject.request_stubbed?(, url), [:method, :uri]).should == expected end it "returns false from #http_connections_allowed? when http_connections_allowed is set to nil" do subject.http_connections_allowed = nil subject.http_connections_allowed?.should == false end describe '.restore_stubs_checkpoint' do it 'raises an appropriate error when there is no matching checkpoint' do expect { subject.restore_stubs_checkpoint(:some_crazy_checkpoint_that_doesnt_exist) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /no checkpoint .* could be found/i) end end [true, false].each do |http_allowed| context "when http_connections_allowed is set to #{http_allowed}" do before(:each) { subject.http_connections_allowed = http_allowed } it "returns #{http_allowed} for #http_connections_allowed?" do subject.http_connections_allowed?.should == http_allowed end test_real_http_request(http_allowed, *other) unless http_allowed localhost_response = "Localhost response" describe '.ignore_hosts' do let(:record_mode) { :none } context 'when set to ["", "localhost"]' do before(:each) do subject.ignored_hosts = ["", "localhost"] end %w[ localhost ].each do |localhost_alias| it "allows requests to #{localhost_alias}" do get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, "http://#{localhost_alias}:#{VCR::SinatraApp.port}/localhost_test")).should == localhost_response end end it 'does not allow requests to' do expect { make_http_request(:get, "{VCR::SinatraApp.port}/localhost_test") }.to raise_error(NET_CONNECT_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR) end end end end context 'when some requests are stubbed, after setting a checkpoint' do before(:each) do subject.create_stubs_checkpoint(:my_checkpoint) @recorded_interactions = VCR::YAML.load_file(File.join(VCR::SPEC_ROOT, 'fixtures', YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION, 'fake_example.com_responses.yml')) subject.stub_requests(@recorded_interactions, VCR::RequestMatcher::DEFAULT_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES) end if other.include?(:needs_net_http_extension) it 'returns true from #request_stubbed? for the requests that are stubbed' do test_request_stubbed(:post, '', true) test_request_stubbed(:get, '', true) end it 'returns false from #request_stubbed? for requests that are not stubbed' do test_request_stubbed(:post, '', false) test_request_stubbed(:get, '', false) end end it 'gets the stubbed responses when requests are made to, and does not record them' do VCR.should_receive(:record_http_interaction).never get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should =~ /example\.com get response \d with path=foo/ end it 'rotates through multiple responses for the same request' do get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should == ' get response 1 with path=foo' get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should == ' get response 2 with path=foo' # subsequent requests keep getting the last one get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should == ' get response 2 with path=foo' get_body_string(make_http_request(:get, '')).should == ' get response 2 with path=foo' end unless other.include?(:does_not_support_rotating_responses) it "correctly handles stubbing multiple values for the same header" do get_header('Set-Cookie', make_http_request(:get, '')).should =~ ['bar=bazz', 'foo=bar'] end context 'when we restore our previous check point' do before(:each) { subject.restore_stubs_checkpoint(:my_checkpoint) } test_real_http_request(http_allowed, *other) if other.include?(:needs_net_http_extension) it 'returns false from #request_stubbed?' do test_request_stubbed(:get, '', false) test_request_stubbed(:post, '', false) test_request_stubbed(:get, '', false) end end end end end end end end