# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe SimpleSpreadsheet do describe "Open Excel (.xls) file read-only mode" do before do @workbook = SimpleSpreadsheet::Workbook.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures/file.xls")) end it "should can open the file" do @workbook.should_not be_nil end it "should use right class" do @workbook.class.to_s.should eq("ExcelReader") end it "should see the right number of sheets" do @workbook.sheets.count.should eq(2) end it "should read strings from first sheets" do @workbook.cell(1, 1).should eq("String1") end it "should read integer from first sheets" do @workbook.cell(1, 2).should eq(1) end it "should read strings from other sheets" do @workbook.cell(1, 1, 2).should eq("String2") end it "should read integer from other sheets" do @workbook.cell(1, 2, 2).should eq(2) end it "should read strings from other sheets (way 2)" do @workbook.selected_sheet = 2 @workbook.cell(1, 1).should eq("String2") end it "should read integer from other sheets (way 2)" do @workbook.selected_sheet = 2 @workbook.cell(1, 2).should eq(2) end it "should correctly count rows" do @workbook.last_row.should eq(1) end it "should correctly count column" do @workbook.last_column.should eq(2) end it "should parse line by line" do @workbook.foreach(@workbook.sheets.first) do |row, index| row[0].should eq("String1") row[1].should eq(1.0) index.should eq(1) end end end end