require_relative 'dynamic_grammar' module Sequitur # Module for classes implementing the Sequitur algorithm # Specialization of the DynamicGrammar class. # A Sequitur grammar is a context-free grammar that is entirely built # from a sequence of input tokens through the Sequitur algorithm. class SequiturGrammar < DynamicGrammar # Build the grammar from an enumerator of tokens. # @param anEnum [Enumerator] an enumerator that will iterate # over the input tokens. def initialize(anEnum) super() # Make start production compliant with utility rule 2.times { start.incr_refcount } # Read the input sequence and apply the Sequitur algorithm anEnum.each do |a_token| add_token(a_token) enforce_rules end end private # Struct used for internal purposes CollisionDiagnosis = :collision_found, # true if collision detected :digram, # The digram involved in a collision :productions # The productions where the digram occurs ) # Assuming that a new input token was added to the start production, # enforce the digram unicity and rule utility rules # begin # if a digram D occurs twice in the grammar then # add a production P : D (if not already there) # replace both Ds with R (reduction step). # end # if a production P : RHS in referenced only once then # replace P by its RHS (derivation step) # remove P from grammar # end # end until digram unicity and rule utility are met def enforce_rules loop do unicity_diagnosis = detect_collision if unicity_diagnosis.nil? restore_unicity(unicity_diagnosis) if unicity_diagnosis.collision_found prod_index = detect_useless_production restore_utility(prod_index) unless prod_index.nil? unicity_diagnosis = detect_collision prod_index = detect_useless_production break unless unicity_diagnosis.collision_found || !prod_index.nil? end end # Check whether a digram is used twice in the grammar. # Return an empty Hash if each digram appears once. # Otherwise return a Hash with a pair of the form: digram => [Pi, Pk] # Where Pi, Pk are two productions where the digram occurs. def detect_collision diagnosis = found_so_far = {} productions.each do |a_prod| prod_digrams = a_prod.digrams prod_digrams.each do |a_digr| its_key = a_digr.key if found_so_far.include? its_key orig_digr = found_so_far[its_key] # Disregard sequence like a a a if (orig_digr.production == a_prod) && a_digr.repeating? && (orig_digr == a_digr) next end diagnosis.digram = orig_digr = [orig_digr.production, a_prod] diagnosis.collision_found = true break else found_so_far[its_key] = a_digr end end break if diagnosis.collision_found end return diagnosis end # When a collision diagnosis indicates that a given # digram d occurs twice in the grammar # Then create a new production that will have # the symbols of d as its rhs members. def restore_unicity(aDiagnosis) prods = if prods.any?(&:single_digram?) (simple, compound) = prods.partition(&:single_digram?) compound[0].reduce_step(simple[0]) else # Create a new production with the digram's symbols as its # sole rhs members. new_prod = build_production_for(aDiagnosis.digram) prods[0].reduce_step(new_prod) prods[1].reduce_step(new_prod) unless prods[1] == prods[0] end end # Return a production that is used less than twice in the grammar. def detect_useless_production useless = productions.index { |prod| prod.refcount < 2 } useless = nil if useless && return useless end # Given the passed production P is referenced only once. # Then replace P by its RHS where it is referenced. # And delete P def restore_utility(prod_index) # Retrieve useless prod from its index useless_prod = productions[prod_index] # Retrieve production referencing useless one referencing = nil productions.reverse_each do |a_prod| # Next line assumes non-recursive productions next if a_prod == useless_prod refs = a_prod.references_of(useless_prod) next if refs.empty? referencing = a_prod break end referencing.derive_step(useless_prod) remove_production(prod_index) end # Create a new production that will have the symbols from digram # as its rhs members. def build_production_for(aDigram) new_prod = aDigram.symbols.each { |sym| new_prod.append_symbol(sym) } add_production(new_prod) return new_prod end end # class end # module # End of file