require 'rubyneat/rubyneat' require 'pp' module NEAT #= Basis of all expressors. # Expressor object turn genotypes into phenotypes. class Expressor < Operator def initialize(c) super end # Take the genotype of the critter and # create a phenotype from the genotype. # # In the phenotype, it creates a function called stimulate(), # which is called with the input parameters and returns a response # in the form of a response hash (which corresponds directly to the # output neurons). # # This implementation assumes an acyclic graph (feed forward) # and cannot handle cycles at all. Later we may fix this or create # a type of Expressor that can. def express!(critter) critter.ready_for_expression! express_neurons! critter express_genes! critter express_expression! critter end protected # Express Neurons as methods def express_neurons!(critter) critter.genotype.neurons.each do |name, neuron| unless neuron.input? and not neuron.bias? end end #= Expression of the Genotype as a Phenotype. # What this really does is create the function that calls # all the functions. # # This makes use of the Graph plugin for Neurons. #= Recurrency and Expression of Genes # A simple approach has been taken here to allow for recurrency in # our Critters. Basically, a looping construct has been put around the # activation of the neurons so that recurrency can be done in 2 ways: ## 1) Via yielding, thus treating the stimulus function as a enumerable. ### In this approach, one would call the Critter's phenotype with a block of ### code that would accept the output of the net. It would return 'true' to ### continue the iteration, or 'false' to end the iteration. ## 2) Via multiple calls to the Pheontype instance: ### Since the value of the prior activation is preserved in the instance variables ### of the phenotype, subsequent activations will iterate the network. #== Cavets to recurrent activation # For (2) above, the input neurons would be overwritten on each subsequent call. # Since we do not allow recurrent connections to input neurons anyway, this should # not be an issue, though we may allow for this at a future date. def express_genes!(critter) g = critter.genotype p = critter.phenotype init_code = "\n def initialize_neurons\n" # 'stimulate' function call (really should be 'activate', but we'll reserve this for something else) p.code += " def #{NEAT::STIMULUS}(" p.code += g.neural_inputs.reject{ |sym| g.neural_inputs[sym].bias? }.map{|sym, neu| sym}.join(", ") p.code += ")\n" # Assign all the parameters to instance variables. p.code +={|sym, neu| " @#{sym} = #{sym}\n"}.join("") p.code += " loop {\n" # Resolve the order in which we shall call the neurons # TODO handle the dependency list if it comes back! @resolved, @dependencies = NEAT::Graph::DependencyResolver[{|s, neu| neu}].resolve # And now call them in that order! @resolved.each do |neu| unless neu.input? init_code += " @#{} = 0\n" if g.neural_gene_map.member? p.code += " @#{} = #{}(" p.code += g.neural_gene_map[].map{ |gene| "%s * @%s" % [gene.weight, gene.in_neuron] }.join(", ") + ")\n" else g.dangling_neurons = true log.debug "Dangling neuron in critter #{critter} -- #{neu}" end end end init_code += " end\n" # And now return the result as a vector of outputs. p.code += " @_outvec = [" +{|sym, neu| "@#{sym}"}.join(',') + "]\n" p.code += " break unless block_given?\n" p.code += " break unless yield @_outvec\n" p.code += " }\n" p.code += " @_outvec\n" p.code += " end\n" p.code += init_code log.debug p.code! end def express_expression!(critter)! end end end