######################################################################################################################## # # Variation on Aruba's output steps # ######################################################################################################################## Then /^the output contains "([^"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| assert_partial_output(partial_output) end Then /^the output does not contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| all_output.should_not include(partial_output) end Then /^the output contains:$/ do |partial_output| all_output.should include(partial_output) end Then /^the output does not contain:$/ do |partial_output| all_output.should_not include(partial_output) end Then /^the output contains exactly "([^"]*)"$/ do |exact_output| all_output.should == exact_output end Then /^the output contains exactly:$/ do |exact_output| all_output.should == exact_output end # "the output matches" allows regex in the partial_output, if # you don't need regex, use "the output contains" instead since # that way, you don't have to escape regex characters that # appear naturally in the output Then /^the output matches \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |partial_output| all_output.should =~ /#{partial_output}/ end Then /^the output matches:$/ do |partial_output| all_output.should =~ /#{partial_output}/m end