/* This file is part of CPEE. CPEE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CPEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CPEE (file COPYING in the main directory). If not, see . */ /* Browser Bug, set textarea explicitly */ svg { fill: #DDDDDD; fill-opacity:1; display:inline; margin:0; padding:0; } svg rect.group { fill: Highlight; fill-opacity: 0.2; } svg g.passive .rfill { fill: #729fcf; fill-opacity:1; } svg g.active .rfill { fill: #ef2929; fill-opacity:1; } svg g.vote .rfill { fill: #8ae234; fill-opacity:1; } svg line.ourline, svg path.ourline { stroke-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width: 2; fill: none; } svg rect.block { stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: 3,5; stroke: #000000; fill: none; } svg rect.tile { stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: 3,5; fill: Highlight; fill-opacity: 0.3; display: none; } svg .stand { fill:#ffffff; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:2.06896567; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-dasharray:none; } svg .normal { fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.2; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-dasharray:none; } svg .black { fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:2.06896567; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-dasharray:none; } svg .clicked { fill: grey; stroke: grey; filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 0.5em rgba(0,0,0,0.9)); } svg .unknown { fill:#FF0000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:2.06896567; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-dasharray:none; } svg .gen { fill:ButtonFace; fill-opacity:1; stroke-opacity:0.7; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:2.06896567; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-dasharray:none; } svg .standwithout { fill:#ffffff; fill-opacity:1; } svg .standtrans { fill:#ffffff; fill-opacity:0; } svg text.normal { font-size:20px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:bold; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:125%; writing-mode:horizontal-tb; text-anchor:middle; color:#000000; fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family:Arial; } svg text.inverted { font-size:20px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:bold; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:125%; writing-mode:horizontal-tb; text-anchor:middle; color:#ffffff; fill:#ffffff; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family:Arial; } svg text.super { font-size:11px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:bold; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:100%; writing-mode:horizontal-tb; text-anchor:start; color:#000000; fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family:Arial; } svg tspan.active { fill:#cc0000; display: none; } svg tspan.vote { fill:#73d216; display: none; } svg tspan.colon { display: none; } svg tspan.necessary { display: inline; } svg text.normallarge { font-size:25px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:bold; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:125%; writing-mode:horizontal-tb; text-anchor:middle; color:#000000; fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family:Arial; } svg text.small { font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:bold; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:125%; writing-mode:horizontal-tb; text-anchor:middle; color:#000000; fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family:Arial; } #arrow { stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 2; fill: #000000; }