class FormattedFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder %w[ date_select text_field password_field text_area file_field datetime_select ].each do |selector| src = <<-end_src def #{selector}(method, options = {}) if (options[:simple] == true) super(method, options) else options.merge!(:size=> '') if #{%w{text_field password_field}.include?(selector)} standard_field('#{selector}', method, options) { super(method, options) } end end end_src class_eval src, __FILE__, __LINE__ end def standard_field(type, method, options={}, &block) description = options.delete(:desc) content = options.delete(:content) prev_content = options.delete(:prev_content) label = label_for(method, options) required = options.delete(:required) check_box_details = options.delete(:check_box_details) text_snippet = options.delete(:text_snippet) %{
" if text_snippet}
#{description(description) || ' ' if type == 'check_box' } #{label if type != 'check_box' } #{@template.content_tag(:span, '*', :class => 'required_ind') if required }
#{prev_content}#{yield}#{content} #{error_messages_for(method)} #{description(description) if type != 'check_box'} #{description(check_box_details) if type == 'check_box'}
}.html_safe end # generic container for all things form def element(label = ' ', value = '', type = 'text_field', &block) value += @template.capture(&block) if block_given? %{
}.html_safe end def check_box(method, options = {}, checked_value = "1", unchecked_value = "0") options[:content] = label_for(method, options) options[:label] = '' standard_field('check_box', method, options) { super(method, options, checked_value, unchecked_value) } end def radio_button(method, tag_value, options = {}) if options && options[:choices] radios = options.delete(:choices).collect{|choice| %{
}+super(method, choice[0], options) + %{
}}.join.html_safe standard_field('radio_button', method, options) { radios } elsif options && options[:value_name] standard_field('radio_button', method, options) { super(method, tag_value) + %{
}.html_safe} else standard_field('radio_button', method, options) { super(method, tag_value, options = {}) } end end def select(method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {}) standard_field('select', method, options) { super(method, choices, options, html_options) } end def hidden_field(method, options = {}, html_options = {}) super(method, options) end def submit(value, options={}, &block) cancel_link = @template.capture(&block) if block_given? cancel_link ||= options[:cancel_url] ? ' or ' + options.delete(:cancel_url) : '' if options[:show_ajax_loader] options[:onclick] = "$(this).parent().next().css('display', 'block');$(this).parent().hide();" end if options[:image_button] == true submit_id = out = @template.content_tag(:div, %{ #{super(value, options.merge(:style=>'visibility:hidden;position: absolute', :id => submit_id)).html_safe} #{value} #{cancel_link.html_safe} }.html_safe, :class => 'form_element submit_element').html_safe else out = @template.content_tag(:div, super(value, options) + cancel_link.html_safe, :class => 'form_element submit_element').html_safe end if options[:show_ajax_loader] out << %{ }.html_safe end out.html_safe end def label_for(method, options) label = options.delete(:label) || method.to_s.titleize.capitalize "" end def description(description) "
" unless description.nil? end def error_messages if object && !object.errors.empty? message = object.errors[:base].present? ? object.errors[:base]: 'There were some problems submitting this form. Please correct all the highlighted fields and try again' @template.content_tag(:div, message, :class => 'form_error') end end def error_messages_for(method) if (object and object.respond_to?(:errors) and errors = object.errors[method]) "
#{errors.is_a?(Array) ? errors.first : errors}
" else '' end end def formatted_fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options.merge!(:builder => FormattedFormBuilder) fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &block) end end