require 'active_model' module Dimelo::CCP module API class Model extend ActiveModel::Translation extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Validations class << self def path(*args) @path = args.first if args.any? @path ||= "#{name.demodulize.pluralize.underscore}/%{id}" end def attribute(arg) @attributes ||= [] @attributes << arg attr_reader(arg) class_eval " def #{arg}=(val) @tracked_attributes << :#{arg} @#{arg} = val end" end def attributes(*args) args.each do |arg| attribute arg end @attributes end def submit_attributes(*args) @submit_attributes = args if args.any? @submit_attributes ||= [] end def has_many(association, options={}) foreign_class = options[:class_name] || "#{name.gsub(/(\w+)$/, '')}#{association.to_s.singularize.camelize}" foreign_reference = foreign_key = "#{foreign_reference}_id" class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{association}(client=nil) # FIXME: clear cache if client change, or something like that client ||= @client @#{association} ||= #{foreign_class}.find({:#{foreign_key} =>}, client).each do |instance| instance.#{foreign_reference} = self end end def #{association}=(items) @#{association} = items.each{ |i| i.#{foreign_reference} = self } end EOS end def belongs_to(association, options={}) attr_writer association foreign_class = options[:class_name] || "#{name.gsub(/(\w+)$/, '')}#{association.to_s.camelize}" foreign_reference = foreign_key = "#{association}_id" class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{association}(client=nil) client ||= @client @#{association} ||= #{foreign_class}.find(self.#{foreign_key}, client) end EOS end def find(*args) client = args.pop criterias = args.pop criterias = {:id => criterias} unless criterias.is_a?(Hash) do |criterias| parse(client.transport(:get, compute_path(criterias), criterias), client) end end def parse(document, client=nil) object = Dimelo::CCP::API.decode_json(document) object.is_a?(Array) ?{ |i| new(i, client) } : new(object, client) end # Inspired by INTERPOLATION_PATTERN = /%\{(\w+)\}/ # matches placeholders like "%{foo}" def compute_path(criterias={}) path.gsub(INTERPOLATION_PATTERN) do |match| criterias.delete($1.to_sym) || '' end.chomp '/' end end attr_accessor :client attr_reader :errors, :tracked_attributes delegate :compute_path, :to => 'self.class' def initialize(hash={}, client=nil) @errors = @tracked_attributes = [] self.client = client hash.each do |k,v| self.send("#{k}=", v) if self.respond_to?("#{k}=") end end def errors=(errs) @errors = do |errors| errs.each do |error| errors.add(error['attribute'], error['type']) end end end def attributes Hash[{ |key| [key, self.send(key)] }] end def attributes=(hash) hash.each do |k, value| if self.respond_to? "#{k}=" self.send("#{k}=", value) else warn("Unknown field or method #{k} for object #{self.inspect}") end end end def tracked_submit_attributes @tracked_attributes & self.class.submit_attributes end def submit_attributes Hash[{ |key| [key, self.send(key)] }] end def new_record? id.blank? end def save if new_record? create else update end end def create attrs = submit_attributes path = compute_path(attrs) response = client.transport(:post, path, attrs) self.attributes = Dimelo::CCP::API.decode_json(response) id.present? end def update attrs = submit_attributes path = compute_path(attributes) response = client.transport(:put, path, attrs) self.attributes = Dimelo::CCP::API.decode_json(response) errors.empty? end def valid? true end def destroy client.transport(:delete, compute_path(self.attributes)) freeze end def reload raise"You cannot fetch models without a populated id attribute") if id.nil? other = self.class.find(id, client) self.attributes.merge!(other.attributes) if other self end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) and == and end def merge!(other) self.attributes = other.attributes end def to_json Dimelo::CCP::API.encode_json(self.attributes) end def warn(message) defined?(Rails) ? Rails.logger.warn(message) : STDERR.puts(message) end end end end