#!/usr/bin/env ruby # require File.expand_path('../../lib/rhp', __FILE__) require 'rhp' require 'optparse' usage = < To use rhp, cd to your sites base public directory, and run. Options -p, --port The port to run RHP from. Default: 2718 USAGE options = { :port => 2718, :config => File.expand_path("../../lib/rhp/config.ru", __FILE__) } ARGV.options do |o| o.on("-p", "--port") do |port| options[:port] = port end # o.on("-c", "--config") do |config| # options[:config] = File.expand_path(config, Dir.pwd) # end o.on_tail("-h", "--help") { puts usage; exit } o.parse! end project_path = ARGV.first || '.' RHP::Server.project_root = File.expand_path(project_path, Dir.pwd) server = Rack::Server.new.tap do |s| s.options[:config] = options[:config] s.options[:Port] = options[:port] end puts "RHP started at{options[:port]}/ from #{project_path}\n" server.start