# This is the default configuration, created by the traq setup command default: &default directory: /tmp/traq_test user: taq list: - Rakefile - config.ru - Gemfile - - config/application.rb - - config/environment.rb - - config/initializers/**/* - - config/environments/production.rb - - config/locales/**/* - - config/routes.rb - - config/storage.yml - - app/**/* - - db/migrate/**/* - - public/javascripts/**/* - - public/stylesheets/**/* - - lib/**/* - - bin/**/* - - public/images/**/* - public/images/uploads/**/* password: fill your password here host: localhost server: passenger shell: bash -l -c # This is a custom configuration to be used wit -t or --target option. # It inherits all the default configs, just changing the directory. # It can be used like: # $ traq -t custom # or # $ traq --target custom custom: <<: *default directory: /tmp/traq_test_custom