Feature: Service management In order to manage entities As a admin I want to be able to add, edit, and delete entities Background: Given an ODataService exists with uri: "http://localhost:8888/SampleService/Entities.svc" And blueprints exist for the service Scenario: Service should respond to AddToEntityName for adding objects Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Sample Product" When I save changes Then the save result should be of type "Product" And the method "Name" on the save result should equal: "Sample Product" Scenario: Service should allow for deletes Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object When I save changes Then the save result should be of type "Product" When I call "delete_object" on the service with the last save result And I save changes Then the save result should equal: "true" And no "Products" should exist Scenario: Untracked entities shouldn't be able to be deleted Given I call "delete_object" on the service with a new "Product" object it should throw an exception with message "You cannot delete a non-tracked entity" Scenario: Entities should be able to be updated Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Test Product" When I save changes And I call "Products" on the service with args: "1" And I run the query Then the method "Name" on the result should equal: "Test Product" When I set "Name" on the result to "Changed Test Product" Then the method "Name" on the result should equal: "Changed Test Product" And I call "update_object" on the service with the last query result And I save changes Then the save result should equal: "true" When I call "Products" on the service with args: "1" And I run the query Then the method "Name" on the result should equal: "Changed Test Product" Scenario: Untracked entities shouldn't be able to be updated Given I call "update_object" on the service with a new "Product" object it should throw an exception with message "You cannot update a non-tracked entity" Scenario: Related entities shouldn't be recreated on a child add Given I call "AddToCategories" on the service with a new "Category" object with Name: "Test Category" And I save changes And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Category: "@@LastSave" And I save changes And I call "Products" on the service with args: "1" And I expand the query to include "Category" When I run the query Then the method "Id" on the result's method "Category" should equal: "1"